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- 1. 皮膚むしり症(かきむしり)および関連疾患skin picking excoriation disorder and related disorders [show details]
… residing in the United States reported skin picking with noticeable skin damage . These individuals also reported distress and psychosocial impact associated with skin picking. In another United States population-based …
- 2. 新生児の評価assessment of the newborn infant [show details]
… Excess skin – Redundant skin in the neck may be a feature of genetic syndromes. Examples include Turner syndrome, in which the neck appears webbed because of redundant skin along the posterolateral… is a soft area of skull bone, usually in the parietal region, that gives a sensation of a ping-pong ball when depressed. It commonly is found in preterm infants, and can occur in a normal term infant whose … This can be accomplished by noting the movement of a piece of cotton or thread placed in front of each naris.…
- 3. 小児における運動過多な運動障害hyperkinetic movement disorders in children [show details]
… years, though some patients have a milder, more slowly progressive form of the disease . Biopsy of the skin (especially in the axillary region) , liver, muscle, or brain reveals pathognomonic polyglucosan inclusions … posture" and thus represents a form of slow chorea; ballism (ballismus) is defined "as chorea that affects proximal joints such as shoulder or hip,"…
- 4. 経気管酸素療法transtracheal oxygen therapy [show details]
…full-thickness skin are elevated, and cervical fat is removed down to the strap muscles. Separate the strap muscles at the midline, exposing the anterior wall of the trachea. Suture the skin flaps to… Mucus ball accumulation is most common in Phase III, but can occur after years of uneventful TTO therapy. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of patients experience symptomatic mucus balls when the… percutaneously with the bevel facing away from the head; Thread the matching guidewire through the introducer needle…
- 5. ウィルソン病:臨床症状、診断、自然経過wilson disease clinical manifestations diagnosis and natural history [show details]
… manifestations may also occur from treatment with penicillamine, including progeric change to the skin (commonly seen around the neck), bullous pemphigoid, elastosis perforans serpiginosa, and pseudoxanthoma…involvement, choreic movements may result in violent, uncontrolled flailing movements of the extremities (ballism). Athetosis refers to slower writhing movements with a sinuous quality. The term choreoathetosis …
Japanese Journal
- 藤沢 竜一
- 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 73(10), 603, 1963
- … つている.皮膚腫瘍の組織培養に関する報告は,悪性黒色腫については後述するが,皮膚癌については,Hofer,Coman,Southamら,Ejelde,Rabsonらなどがおり,本邦でも藤浪ら,橋本(謙)がある.またMurrayらは皮膚糸球腫の組織培養を行なつている.そのほか癩については,Timofeevskii,Suwoら,Hanksの報告があり,また他の病変の組織培養では,HuらがVitiligoを,LundbeckらがSarcoidosisを,Everettらが漆毒,ジニトロクロルベンゼン …
- NAID 130004686114
Related Links
- 急性糸球体腎炎を起こす感染で一番多いのは咽頭炎(いんとうえん)、すなわち、のどの痛みを伴う風邪です。皮膚の感染の後に症状が出現することもあります。これらの感染の1-2週間後にむくみや血尿(けつにょう、尿に血が混じり、時
- 2.急性糸球体腎炎 扁桃炎などが治ってから10日前後経って発症する一過性の腎炎(糸球体の炎症)です。顔面・まぶた・足の浮腫(むくみ)、肉眼的血尿(褐色・コーラ色)、尿量低下、高血圧などが主な症状です。A群β溶連菌感染が代表的な原因菌で小児~若年者に多くみられます。
- 糸球体とはそもそもいったいどんな働きをもつ器官なのでしょうか? 厳密に言うと糸球体とは腎臓内部にある「毛細血管」の集まってできた組織です。 糸球体は糸状に絡まりあった形状をしており、ボール状(球体状)の形態となっております。
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- グロムス
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- bulbus cerebri
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- 延髄
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- skin
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- cutis
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- 皮膚の構造
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- glomus
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- グロムス