- 英
- algolagnia
- 関
- 性倒錯、サディズム、マゾヒズム
- sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain (同)algophilia
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- 1. 成人における非がん性慢性疼痛管理へのアプローチapproach to the management of chronic non cancer pain in adults [show details]
… outcomes for patients with back pain, persistent pain following spinal surgery, neuropathic pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), intractable angina, and painful peripheral vascular disease. Surgical …
- 2. 小児や青年の慢性腹痛:評価のためのアプローチchronic abdominal pain in children and adolescents approach to the evaluation [show details]
… Chronic abdominal pain is common in children and adolescents. The evaluation of the child or adolescent with chronic abdominal pain requires an understanding of the pathogenesis of abdominal pain, the most common …
- 3. 小児期に生じる股関節痛へのアプローチapproach to hip pain in childhood [show details]
… growth parameters Thus the evaluation of hip pain requires a general examination, with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system . Examination of the painful hip should be performed after the remainder of …
- 4. 乳児および小児における急性周術期疼痛管理へのアプローチapproach to the management of acute perioperative pain in infants and children [show details]
… Pharmacologic options for perioperative pain management in these children are discussed separately. Evaluation and management of pain in neonates, and the effects of untreated pain in neonates, are discussed separately …
- 5. 癌性疼痛症候群の概要overview of cancer pain syndromes [show details]
… effective palliative modality for painful bone metastases; pain relief is seen in 80 to 90 percent of cases. Although the majority of patients with multifocal bone pain have widespread bony metastases …
Related Links
- アルゴラグニア、疼痛性愛、アルゴフィリア、苦痛愛好とは、疼痛(とうつう、痛み)、苦痛に遭遇するような悪条件環境や残虐な行為に遭遇する状況への性的嗜好です。相手に痛みを与えたいならサディズム、自分が痛みを与えられ ...
- 同義語としてアルゴラグニア(Algolagnia)【疼痛性愛】 ハイポクシフィリア 【窒息性愛】 (Hypoxyphilia) アクアフィリア 【溺水性愛】 (Aquaphilia) 死体・死亡行為 ネクロフィリア 【死体性愛】 ...
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- 英
- pain, dolor
- 同
- 痛み
- 関
- 痛覚 pain sensation
- ゲートコントロール:Aδ線維とC線維による痛みはAβ線維による入力で中枢伝達細胞のレベルで抑制される。
- 下行性疼痛抑制系神経系:下行性疼痛抑制系神経系による入力で中枢伝達細胞のレベルで抑制される。
- 下行性疼痛抑制系神経系は中脳水道周辺灰白質からの脊髄への入力からなる。具体的には大縫線核(セロトニン作動性)、巨大細胞網様核・傍巨大細胞網様核(ノルアドレナリン作動性)がの2系統が起点となる。抗うつ薬はこれらの神経伝達物質の再吸収を妨げ鎮痛作用を発揮する。
- Adams and s Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition Allan Ropper. table 8-2より抜粋
- dysesthesia : Any abnormal sensation described as unpleasant by the patient.
- hyperalgesia : Exaggerated pain response from a normally painful stimulus; usually includes aspects of summation with repeated stimulus of constant intensity and aftersensation.
- hyperpathia : Abnormally painful and exaggerated reaction to a painful stimulus; related to hyperalgesia.
- hyperesthesia (hypesthesia) : Exaggerated perception of touch stimulus.
- allodynia : Abnormal perception of pain from a normally nonpainful mechanical or thermal stimulus; usually has elements of delay in perception and of aftersensation.
- hypoalgesia (hypalgesia) : Decreased sensitivity and raised threshoid to painful stimuli.
- anesthesia : Reduced perception of all sensation, mainly touch.
- pallanesthesia : Loss of perception of vibration.
- analgesia : Reduced perception of pain stimulus.
- paresthesia : Mainly spontaneous abnormal sensation that is not unpleasant; usually described as "pins and needles".
- causalgia : Buming pain in the distribution of one or more peripheral nerves.