- 英
- defense, biophylaxis
- 関
- 防御、防御力、防衛, 防御反応
- protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease" (同)defence
- the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury; "a good boxer needs a good defense"; "defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem" (同)defence
- (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program" (同)defence, defensive measure
- a defendants answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense" (同)defence, denial, demurrer
- (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense" (同)defence, defending team
- an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion" (同)defence, defense force, defence force
- the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial" (同)defence, defense team, defense lawyers
- the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory" (同)defence, vindication
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Japanese Journal
- 序 : 生体防御を東洋医学ではどうとらえるか (特集 アレルギー・免疫疾患と東洋医学)
- 排便後の意識消失で発症した心臓粘液腫による脳塞栓症の1例
Related Links
- 九州大学 生体防御医学研究所 〒812-8582 福岡市東区馬出3-1-1 TEL 092-642-6814 FAX 092-642-6246 ... 平成28年4月14日以降数日間に渡り発生しております「平成28年熊本地震」により、被災された皆さまへ、心よりお見舞い ...
- 奨励賞の公募 (学会の会則より抜粋) 日本生体防御学会奨励賞 奨励賞は、優秀な研究論文を発表した若手の本学会会員に対し、学会賞選考委員会が応募書類を審査の上決定するものであり、学術総会において、賞状と副賞の授与 ...
Related Pictures

- 関
- defence、defend、defensive
- 英
- defense、defence、defend
- 関
- 防御、防御力、生体防御
- 英
- defense、((英))defence
- 関
- 防御、防衛、生体防御
- 英
- defence response, defense reaction
- 同
- 生体防御 biophylaxis
- 英
- defense、defence、defend、defensive
- 関
- 防御的、防御力、防衛、生体防御