- the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc.; "friends provided a vindication of his position" (同)exoneration
- (…の)弁護,擁護《+of+名》 / 《しばしば a~》立証(弁護)するもの
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/30 11:55:30」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Vindication may refer to:
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft
- A Vindication of the Rights of Man, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, William Godwin
- Vindication (Susperia album), 2002
- Vindication (Crease album), 2000
- Vindication (film), a 2008 film, written and directed by Bart Mastronardi
- Vindication (horse) (2000–2008), American thoroughbred race horse
English Journal
- Multi-centre variability of ISCEV standard ERGs in two normal adults.
- Hamilton R1, Al Abdlseaed A, Healey J, Neveu MM, Brown L, Keating D, McBain VA, Sculfor D, Thompson DA.
- Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology.Doc Ophthalmol.2015 Apr;130(2):83-101. doi: 10.1007/s10633-014-9471-9. Epub 2015 Feb 27.
- BACKGROUND: The reproducibility of an individual's full-field ERG between centres has not previously been investigated.METHODS: ERGs were recorded using both silver thread and skin electrodes from the same two normal adult subjects at 15 UK centres using routine, local protocols and a highly standar
- PMID 25720529
- [Bioethical responsibilities of the health authority in health care and biomedical research].
- Salinas RA1, Fuenzalida MC2.
- Medwave.Medwave.2015 Jan 30;15(1):e6071. doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.01.6071.
- in
English, SpanishLa reflexión respecto a los contenidos bioéticos de las políticas de salud y sus efectos sobre la reivindicación de las demandas de justicia social, ha sido preocupación preferente de quienes han impulsado las reformas sanitarias que estuvieron detrás de la creación del
- Estimation of the true incidence of lactic acidosis within the Lighthouse Clinic cohort, and the likely magnitude of missed diagnoses in the region.
- Speight C1, Gabriel L1, Phiri S2, Tweya H3, Sutherland R4.
- Journal of the International AIDS Society.J Int AIDS Soc.2014 Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19558. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.4.19558. eCollection 2014.
- INTRODUCTION: Lactic acidosis is one of the most serious side effects associated with ART, most commonly associated with stavudine. Clinical features are non-specific and specialist laboratory capabilities are essential to confirm the diagnosis, making under-diagnosis likely in resource-constrained
- PMID 25394065
- The connotation of the Quantum Traditional Chinese Medicine and the exploration of its experimental technology system for diagnosis.
- Zhao XL1, Han JX.
- Drug discoveries & therapeutics.Drug Discov Ther.2013 Dec;7(6):225-32.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) developed based on ancient Chinese philosophy. Its characteristics include abstract theories, fuzzy concepts, subjective diagnostic methods and it lacks clarity, and rigor as well as vindication from modern sciences, which makes development of TCM remain stagnant.
- PMID 24423653
Japanese Journal
- 風力発電から生じる騒音・景観破壊に関する経済評価 : Cathrine Ulla Jensen, Toke Emil Panduro, and Thomas Hedemark Lundhede (2014) "The Vindication of Don Quixote : The Impact of Noise and Visual Pollution from Wind Turbines," Land Economics, Vol.90(4), pp.668-682
- ことばは脳の外部記号である : 心の唯物論による言語道具説の擁護
- エドマンド・パーク『自然社会の擁護』のパロディー性について
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- (権利の)主張.2 (…についての)弁明((of, for ...))in vindication of ..... コトバンク コトバンクはYahoo!辞書と技術提携しています。 MENU コトバンク > プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) > vindication vindication 1件 の用語解説 の解説 ...
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