English Journal
- Expression of human beta-defensin -1, -2, and -3 in non-inflamed pseudocyst, mucoceles.
- Frederic MK1, Yamaai T, Mizukawa N, Kaneda Y, Katase N, Gunduz M, Nagatsuka H, Sugahara T.Author information 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama, Japan.Erratum inOral Dis. 2009 Mar;15(2):183. AbstractOBJECTIVES AND DESIGN: The expressions of human beta defensin-1 (HBD-1), -2 (HBD-2) and -3 (HBD-3) in non-inflamed pseudocysts such as mucoceles were investigated immunohistochemically in this study.
- Oral diseases.Oral Dis.2008 Oct;14(7):652-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2008.01451.x. Epub 2008 Jun 21.
- OBJECTIVES AND DESIGN: The expressions of human beta defensin-1 (HBD-1), -2 (HBD-2) and -3 (HBD-3) in non-inflamed pseudocysts such as mucoceles were investigated immunohistochemically in this study.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mucocele specimens were obtained from 21 patients. The expression of HBDs was
- PMID 18627502
- Suppression of response to foreign substances by intestinal macrophages.
- Nakata K1, Inagawa H, Nishizawa T, Kohchi C, Soma G.Author information 1Food-NutritionaI Sciences, Hagoromo University of International Studie, 1-89-1 Hamadera-minamimachi, Sakaishi-nishiku, Osaka, Japan.AbstractMacrophages play an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis by changing their function according to the tissue and environment everywhere in the body. We have proposed that intestinal macrophages, which exist in the front line receiving environmental information, have an important function in forming a macrophage network for biophylaxis. In this review, we introduce intestinal macrophages as an example of the highly plastic and flexible cells adaptable to environmental information. Intestinal macrophages are hyporesponsiveness to foreign substances, especially lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and less expression of CD14 and TLR4/MD-2, receptors for LPS. However, those proteins expression was observed in the cytoplasm of intestinal macrophage. We also found that intestinal macrophages treated with IgA could restore in response to LPS. In conclusion, intestinal macrophages possess the plasticity to respond sensitively to change in their environment and are considered to be involved inflammatory bowel disease development.
- Anticancer research.Anticancer Res.2007 Nov-Dec;27(6A):3723-7.
- Macrophages play an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis by changing their function according to the tissue and environment everywhere in the body. We have proposed that intestinal macrophages, which exist in the front line receiving environmental information, have an important function
- PMID 17970034
- [Current situation and future for cytometry--leukocyte function].
- Higashi K.Author information Clinical Laboratory, Tokyo University Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655.AbstractThere are granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes in the leukocyte of the peripheral blood. These leukocytes play an important part to each other for biophylaxis by forming the network. Therefore, it is important inspection to measure the number of these leukocytes and function. Recently, various reference techniques in flow cytometry have been developed for the leukocyte function. It is introduced phagocytosis for granulocyte, cytoplasmic free Calcium localization in granulocytes, lymphocyte transformation and cytoplasmic pH in lymphocytes.
- Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology.Rinsho Byori.2001 Sep;49(9):842-6.
- There are granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes in the leukocyte of the peripheral blood. These leukocytes play an important part to each other for biophylaxis by forming the network. Therefore, it is important inspection to measure the number of these leukocytes and function. Recently, various re
- PMID 11685768
Japanese Journal
- 08-3 Healthy aging and heat shock protein 70 induced by Kaon Seikatsu (mild hyperthermic living)
- 日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 77(5), 485-485, 2014
- … HSP70 is efficiently induced by mild hyperthermia and has the important physiologic function of biophylaxis action (protection from stresses), an immunoenhancing effect (activation of NK cells), and a molecular chaperone action (folding of proteins).<BR> We confirmed that HSP70 was induced by mild hyperthermic living (Kaon Seikatsu) such as bath and hot-spring, and established the HSP bathing method (that had taken a bath for 10-20 min. at 40-42°C, keep it warm for 15 minutes after that) to increase HSP70. …
- NAID 130004719528
- 2S-Da02 好熱菌発酵産物が土壌環境制御、植物の生育制御に与える影響(極限環境微生物を用いた動植物の機能向上と環境負荷低減の可能性,シンポジウム)
- Pathogenicity comparison of high- and low-virulence strains of Vibrio scophthalmi in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
- QIAO Guo,JANG In-Kwon,WON Kyoung Mi,WOO Sung Ho,XU De-Hai,PARK Soo Il
- Fisheries science : FS 79(1), 99-109, 2013-01-01
- NAID 10031138646
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