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- 1. ケミカルピーリング:手技および合併症chemical peels procedures and complications [show details]
…into light, medium-depth, and deep chemical peels based upon the depth of skin injury induced in the skin. Injury from light chemical peels is limited to the epidermis. Medium-depth peels injure the dermis …
- 2. 熱傷の評価と分類assessment and classification of burn injury [show details]
…determines the depth of exposure. Depending on the photon energy, radiation can cause very deep internal burns. Cutaneous burns are classified according to the depth of tissue injury. The depth of the burn …
- 3. 全身麻酔の維持:概要maintenance of general anesthesia overview [show details]
…anesthetic agents to achieve an appropriate depth. We avoid BP significantly lower than baseline values or frank hypotension, and we avoid excessive anesthetic depth, particularly in older patients and those …
- 4. 超音波ガイドを利用した胸腔穿刺ultrasound guided thoracentesis [show details]
…the angle is determined, the depth for needle penetration is measured from a frozen image on the screen using the machine caliper function . If the estimated fluid depth is deeper than the length of the …
- 5. 入院が必要な浅達性熱傷の治療treatment of superficial burns requiring hospital admission [show details]
…full-thickness burns are reviewed separately. Burns are classified and treated according to the depth of tissue injury (ie, superficial [epidermal], superficial partial-thickness, deep partial-thickness …
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