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- 1. 黄熱病:疫学、臨床症状、診断yellow fever epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… the risk that urban yellow fever may re-emerge. The first well-documented instance of an urban-cycle epidemic since 1942 occurred in Paraguay in 2008 . The clinical spectrum of yellow fever includes : Subclinical …
- 2. 発疹チフスepidemic typhus [show details]
… 45,000 cases of epidemic typhus occurred in Burundi in association with civil war during the 1990s; in addition, an outbreak of epidemic typhus occurred at a youth… and treatment is still important to clinicians: A sylvatic cycle of infection (disease transmitted from wild animals,…
- 3. 髄膜炎菌感染の疫学epidemiology of neisseria meningitidis infection [show details]
… cause both endemic and epidemic infection. Meningococcal infections are endemic in the United States, and the annual incidence of invasive meningococcal disease varies in multiyear cycles; the most recent peak …
- 4. セントルイス脳炎st louis encephalitis [show details]
… where the enzootic cycle is maintained. In suburban and urban environments, Culex pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus may be responsible for transmission. In Argentina and Brazil, outbreaks appear to be transmitted …
- 5. デングウイルス感染症(デング熱):疫学dengue virus infection epidemiology [show details]
… pathogens that exclusively cause acute infection. Both epidemic and endemic transmission of dengue viruses are maintained through a human-mosquito-human cycle involving mosquitoes of the genus Aedes (Stegomyia) …
Japanese Journal
- 手足口病の流行周期と原因エンテロウイルス (特集 気候で変わる子どものウイルス感染症)
- 予防/治療ができる小児の難聴とウイルス感染―現状と課題―
- 岡田 賢司
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 123(3), 223-231, 2019
- … おたふくかぜの流行周期も続いていて, 数年後には再び流行が懸念される. …
- NAID 130007829474
- 見理 剛
- バムサジャーナル = The journal of biomedical science and biosafety 28(4), 159-163,図巻頭1p, 2016
- NAID 40021087511
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- 英
- fashion、epidemic、prevalence、prevail、prevalent、epidemic
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- 伝染性、普及、方法、蔓延、有病率、様式、罹患率、流行性、流行病、伝染病
- 集団発生
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