- 英
- gaze-paretic nystagmus
- 関
- 注視眼振
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- 1. 小児における核上性注視異常supranuclear disorders of gaze in children [show details]
… A gaze palsy that is caused by a lesion in the brainstem gaze center is called a nuclear gaze palsy, whereas one caused by a lesion in the cortical gaze center is called a supranuclear gaze palsy.… the side of the MLF lesion and nystagmus in the opposite eye (the abducting eye in attempted horizontal gaze) Nystagmus may be the most prominent finding in subtle cases.…
- 2. 振子様眼振pendular nystagmus [show details]
… pattern recognition since pendular nystagmus is subdivided into a number of types, some characterized by specific trajectories: Acquired pendular nystagmus; Pendular nystagmus from visual loss; Specific variants: …
- 3. 律動眼振jerk nystagmus [show details]
… Hydrocephalus – Hydrocephalus can cause a nystagmus that resolves with shunting . Congenital – Congenital downbeat nystagmus is rare and sometimes familial . Nystagmus may persist or resolve in early childhood …
- 4. 核間性眼筋麻痺internuclear ophthalmoparesis [show details]
… exhibit a horizontal nystagmus, which is less prominent in the adducting eye, although this does not always occur. The underlying mechanisms causing abducting nystagmus are unknown.… This syndrome consists of a gaze palsy in one direction with an INO on horizontal gaze in the opposite direction.…
- 5. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
…your finger held about two feet away, in the vertical and horizontal midline. Observe for nystagmus. Jerk nystagmus is a repetitive, quick movement of the eyes in one direction, alternating with a slower … abnormality in which the two eyes move conjugately but have limited movement in one direction is called a gaze palsy. It is due to malfunction of one of the "gaze centers" (cortical and brainstem regions responsible …
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![注視麻痺 [ 編集 ]](https://1mg.info/0/3/d/2036.jpg)

- 英
- nystagmus
- 同
- 眼球振盪、眼球振盪症
- 関
- 共同眼振、律動眼振、病的眼振、反跳眼振、陥没眼振、輻輳眼振、注視眼振
- 眼球の不随意的往復運動
- 眼振には眼球が緩徐に動く緩徐相と急速に動く急速相からなる。
- 急速相の方向が眼振の方向である。
- 英
- gaze, visual fixation
- 関
- 凝視、
- 垂直性注視:中脳:中枢は中脳背側部の四丘体周辺:Parinaud症候群
- 水平性注視:橋:橋の傍正中橋網様体(PPRF):Foville症候群(=MillardGubler症候群+水平性注視麻痺)
- 英
- gaze palsy, conjugate gaze paralysis
- ラ
- paralysis fixationis conjugata
- 英
- paralysis, palsy
- 関
- (comb form)plegia。不全麻痺 paresis