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- 蓄積症
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- 1. ピロリン酸カルシウム結晶沈着症(CPPD)の発症および病因pathogenesis and etiology of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition cppd disease [show details]
…supersaturation and CPP crystal formation or deposition, although aberrations in both mineral and organic phase metabolism are probably variably involved in CPP crystal deposition (CPPD) disease. While the factors …
- 2. 免疫グロブリン軽鎖(AL)アミロイドーシスおよび軽鎖重鎖沈着症の病因pathogenesis of immunoglobulin light chain al amyloidosis and light and heavy chain deposition diseases [show details]
…with the site of deposition. Patients with predominant glomerular deposition may present with nephrotic syndrome (similar to AL amyloidosis) , while those with predominant tubular deposition may present with …
- 3. ピロリン酸カルシウム結晶沈着症(CPPD)の治療treatment of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition cppd disease [show details]
…associated with the inflammatory response to CPP crystal deposition (CPPD) and is modeled on the treatment of gout flare (acute monosodium urate crystal deposition disease), the other major form of acute crystalline …
- 4. ピロリン酸カルシウム結晶沈着症(CPPD)の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition cppd disease [show details]
…when CPP crystal deposition is associated with certain neurologic deficits, the presence of crystals amplifies the destructive consequences of joint denervation. CPP crystal deposition in and about the …
- 5. 免疫グロブリン軽鎖(AL)アミロイドーシスおよび軽鎖重鎖沈着症の治療と予後treatment and prognosis of immunoglobulin light chain al amyloidosis and light and heavy chain deposition diseases [show details]
…amyloidosis (previously referred to as primary amyloidosis), light chain deposition disease (LCDD), and heavy chain deposition disease (HCDD) are monoclonal plasma cell proliferative disorders that are …
Japanese Journal
- 症例 急性の胸痛あるいは背部痛で受診し脊椎の結晶沈着症が疑われた12例
- 鏡視・直視下腫瘍切除を行ったUremic Tumoral Calcinosisの一例
- 池田 和大,大西 信三,山崎 正志
- 肩関節 44(1), 257-260, 2020
- … 腫瘍性石灰沈着症(UTC)の1例を通じ,周術期の留意点について検討することを目的とした.23歳時より血液透析が行われ,27歳時に左腋窩部のUTCと診断された42歳男性.5回の病変切除歴がある.今回左肩前方に感染性の瘻孔を形成し.関節鏡視下・直視下に病変を切除した.末期腎不全患者は予備能が少なく,過去の手術を参考にし,関節鏡手技を併用するなどして低侵襲な手術を心がけ,主目的を達成することが重要 …
- NAID 130007905926
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- 英
- storage disease
- 同
- 沈着症、貯蔵症
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- リソソーム病、代謝性細網症
- 英
- pulmonary hemosiderosis
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- 肺ヘモジデリン症、肺血鉄症
- 関
- ヘモジデリン
- 英
- L chain deposition disease
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- 軽鎖沈着症 light chain deposition disease, LCDD
- ラ
- calcinosis dystrophica universalis
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- 皮膚石灰沈着症、皮膚石灰症
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- lipoidosis
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- fibronectin deposit disease
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- deposition、deposit、deposit
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- 成膜、析出、堆積、蓄積、沈着物、預ける
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- sis, pathy