- 英
- bacteriological culture of menstrual blood
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- 1. 分娩時発熱intrapartum fever [show details]
…usefulness of blood cultures has not been studied specifically in intrapartum women, and there are no published standards for when to obtain intrapartum cultures. We suggest blood cultures for women who …
- 2. 子宮筋腫(平滑筋腫):子宮動脈塞栓術による治療uterine fibroids leiomyomas treatment with uterine artery embolization [show details]
… Blood cultures should be ordered if systemic infection is suspected, but we have rarely seen a patient with positive blood cultures after UAE.… satisfaction with menstrual blood loss was comparable between the two treatments…
- 3. クロストリジウム・ソルデリによる毒素性ショック症候群toxic shock syndrome due to clostridium sordellii [show details]
… Blood cultures (both aerobic and anaerobic bottles) should be obtained; in one series, blood cultures were positive in 20 percent of cases .… gain entry to the uterus via the cervix during spontaneous or induced abortion, childbirth, or menstruation. C. sordellii is a cause of toxic shock syndrome associated with gynecologic procedures, childbirth …
- 4. 成人における命に関わらない喀血の評価evaluation of nonlife threatening hemoptysis in adults [show details]
… metastatic cancer). Appropriate laboratory tests include sputum Gram and acid fast stains, blood cultures, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody test, and serologic tests for mycobacterial or fungal infection …recurrent hemoptysis in a patient with a normal chest radiograph are bronchiectasis, carcinoid tumors, catamenial hemoptysis (from endobronchial endometriosis in women), pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, pseudohemoptysis …
- 5. 細菌性関節炎:乳児や小児における臨床的特徴および診断bacterial arthritis clinical features and diagnosis in infants and children [show details]
… We recommend that aerobic blood cultures be obtained in all patients in whom bacterial arthritis is a consideration. Blood cultures are positive in as many as… Onset of most recent menses (for pubertal females) – Disseminated gonococcal infection usually occurs in the first seven days of the menstrual cycle .…
Japanese Journal
- Enterotoxin B により生じたと考えられるトキシックショック症候群の1例
- 太田 啓介,久野 伸夫,衛藤 理砂 [他],大野 誠,日吉 徹,吉次 通泰
- 日本内科学会雑誌 91(5), 1601-1603, 2002-05-10
- … 症例は44歳,女性.月経中にタンポンを使用していた所,嘔気,嘔吐,下痢,高熱,紅斑を来たし,短時間にショックに陥ると共に多臓器不全の様相を呈した.急性期に施行した咽頭,血液,尿培養は全て陰性であったが,月経血培養にて黄色ブドウ球菌が検出され,またエンテロトキシンB抗原が陽性であった.エンテロトキシンBが起因毒素と考えられるトキシックショック症候群の症例は稀であるため報告した. …
- NAID 10008695702
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- 英
- culture、cultivation、incubation、culture、cultivate、incubate、cultural
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- 英
- menstruation, menses
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- 月経周期
- 英
- menstrual blood
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- 月経