- 英
- maximal sensory nerve conduction velocity
- 関
- 神経伝導速度検査
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- 1. 神経伝導検査の概要overview of nerve conduction studies [show details]
…durations of the sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) and compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) evoked by peripheral nerve stimulation, and the sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities.… sensory fibers have a greater variability in fiber diameter and sensitivity to stimulation. Thus, a maximum response may be reached that represents activation of all large myelinated sensory fibers… electrical activity of sensory A-delta fibers can be visualized . Conductivity in myelinated fibers is saltatory,…
- 2. 横隔神経障害への外科的治療surgical treatment of phrenic nerve injury [show details]
… but they also provide sensory feedback from the pericardium and gastrointestinal structures (eg,… that in at least 20 percent of cervical spinal cord injuries requiring mechanical ventilation, the neural degeneration is not limited to the spinal cord . The loss of anterior horn cells in the spinal tracts … adherent muscle, fascia, and/or vasculature. To further improve axonal recovery and restore nerve conductivity, nerve transfer (or neurotization) or an interposition graft can be performed to recruit new sources …
- 3. 神経伝導検査:応答遅延nerve conduction studies late responses [show details]
…motor or sensory nerve conduction abnormalities (33 versus 3 percent); similarly, among 68 symptomatic patients with polyneuropathy, abnormal F waves were more common than abnormal motor or sensory nerve… is used, anodal stimulation will shorten the F wave latency by 0.76 msec on average . Antidromic neural activity can trigger an orthodromic action potential in the same motor neuron by reactivating its … the difference between minimal and maximal latencies; Mean amplitude in relation to the maximum M potential (the mean F/M amplitude ratio) Persistence of the F wave,…
- 4. 血液透析における水質の維持maintaining water quality for hemodialysis [show details]
… The assay used for any chemical contaminant must have a minimum detection level below the maximum allowable level for that contaminant.… Conductivity (or resistivity) is used as a convenient on-line measure of the total concentration of ionized species in the water. Conductivity meters must be temperature…
- 5. 血液透析における水の浄化システムwater purification systems in hemodialysis [show details]
… microbial growth and biofilm formation in hydraulic systems cannot be prevented by fluid velocity alone .… by dividing the supply-water concentration by the maximum concentration allowed by the appropriate standards… the product water-specific resistivity (expressed in megaohm [MΩ]/cm) or conductivity (expressed in micro Siemens [S]/cm)…
Related Links
- ・SCV(感覚神経伝導速度)-逆行性- ・導出部位(C): (-)電極:第2指指節間関節近位部 (+)電極:第2指指節間関節遠位部 アース電極:刺激電極と導出電極の中間 ・刺激部位: 手関節: 橈側手根屈筋と手長筋の腱の間(B)
- 1) 原理 四肢末梢の感覚神経を経皮的に電気刺激することにより誘発されるSNAPを記録し、それを指標として感覚神経伝導速度(SCV)を求めます。 検査方法には次の2通りの方法があります。 (1) 順行性測定法(orthodromic method)
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- 英
- nerve
- ラ
- nervus
- 関
- ニューロン
- 中枢神経 central nervous systen CNS
- 末梢神経 peripheral nervous system PNS
- 感覚神経 sensory nerve = 求心性線維 afferent nerve
- 運動神経 motor nerve = 遠心性線維 efferent nerve
- 体性神経 somatic nervous system SNS
- 自律神経 autonomic nervous system ANS
- 英
- transduction, conduction
- 関
- 興奮伝導、伝達
- ニューロン介して情報が活動電位として伝わることを伝導という、と思う。
- 伝達とは確実に区別する
- 英
- maximum、maxima、maximal、largest、utmost、maximally
- 関
- 極限、極大、最大限、最大値
- 英
- 関
- 神経線維の分類、神経線維
- 英
- nerve conduction、nervous conduction