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- 最大呼気フローボリューム曲線
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- 1. 高地滞在および飛行機搭乗と心疾患high altitude air travel and heart disease [show details]
…stress of air flight may be significant and should be approached with caution. In such patients, oxygen therapy should be considered and for patients already on oxygen, increased flow rates can be… 60 mmHg based on the oxygen saturation curve. The partial pressure of oxygen in inspired air (PiO2) is greater than the alveolar and arterial pO2 at any altitude.…
- 2. 機内で酸素吸入が必要になる可能性のある患者の評価evaluation of patients for supplemental oxygen during air travel [show details]
… during air travel, the oxygen flow rate required to prevent hypoxemia can be determined during a repeat HAST with supplemental oxygen administered by nasal cannula. Alternatively, an oxygen flow of 2 L/minute …
- 3. 肺切除術の概要overview of pulmonary resection [show details]
… Ventilation refers to the movement of air into and out of the lungs, and perfusion is the amount of pulmonary blood flow through the lung.… minimizing air leak. Alternatively, lung parenchymal tissue can be divided between parallel clamps and oversewn with a running absorbable suture; this technique, however, results in a slightly higher rate of air… RATS has progressed more slowly due to higher costs, loss of haptic feedback, and steep learning curve. Minimally invasive techniques have increasingly shown a benefit when compared with open thoracotomy …
- 4. 小児における肺機能検査の概要overview of pulmonary function testing in children [show details]
… expiratory flow rate (PEFR) These parameters also include indices of volume: Forced vital capacity (FVC) Slow vital capacity (SVC) performed with a submaximal expiratory effort; The air left in the… have at least three flow-volume curves that can be closely superimposed. Examination of the inspiratory flow-volume curve is helpful when flow obstruction derives from…
- 5. 空気塞栓症air embolism [show details]
…volumes of air injected as well as the rate and the final location. It is estimated that 300 to 500 mL of gas introduced at a rate of 100 mL/sec can be acutely fatal for humans . This flow rate can be attained …
Japanese Journal
- 目黒 忠道 [他],坪田 信孝,実成 文彦,西岡 慶子,緒方 正名
- 岡山医学会雑誌 91(5-6), 561-565, 1979
- In this report, pulmonary function tests (MEFVC and V-T curve) were performed for non-smoking students and for students who had acquired the smoking habit. The analyses were performed by MEFV pattern …
- NAID 130006859092
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- 呼気流量の評価では,患者はできる限り深く吸入し,唇をマウスピース周囲に密着させ,装置に対しできる限り強く完全に呼出すると,装置が呼気量(努力肺活量[FVC])および最初の1秒間で呼出した気量(1秒間の努力呼気量[1秒量:FEV 1 ]— 正常のスパイログラム)を記録する。
- Maximal expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curves have been utilized in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung diseases, in the survey of air pollution, and in studies of respiratory functions in school children. Indices for the lower lung ...
- 肺機能検査の1項目であるピークフロー(最大呼気流量)は、大きく息を吸い込 んで力いっぱい息を吐き出す速度(強さ)である。その速度をピークフローメーター 等により測定し、気道閉塞の程度を知ることができる。そして、ぜん息患者
Related Pictures

- 英
- maximal expiratory flow-volume curve, MEFVC
- 同
- 最大呼気流量気量曲線
- 英
- maximum、maxima、maximal、largest、utmost、maximally
- 関
- 極限、極大、最大限、最大値
- 英
- line、string
- 関
- 裏打ち、系統、弦、紐、ライン
- 英
- 関
- 曲げる、曲がる、カーブ
- 英
- expiration (K), expired air
- 関
- 吸気 inspiration
- 英
- airflow、air current