- 英
- emotional、emotionally
- 関
- 情動、情動性、情緒的
- of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an emotional crisis"
- determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it was an emotional judgment"
- of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly emotional"
- with regard to emotions; "emotionally secure"
- in an emotional manner; "at the funeral he spoke emotionally"
- 『感情の』,の情緒の / 『感情的な』,感動しやすい / (またemotive)感情に訴える
- 感情的に,情緒的に;感情に訴えて
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Japanese Journal
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- NAID 120006415114
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- 英
- affective、emotional
- 関
- 傷害性、情動、感情的、情緒的
- 英
- emotional、emotionally
- 関
- 情動、情動性、感情的
- 英
- emotional distress
- 関
- 精神的苦痛
- 英
- feeling, affection, emotion
- 同
- 気分 mood、情動 affect
- 英
- target
- 関
- ターゲット、標的