- 英
- alteration of consciousness
- 関
- 意識障害
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- 1. せん妄および錯乱状態の診断diagnosis of delirium and confusional states [show details]
… fifth edition (DSM-5) criteria form a practical framework for assessing delirium : A change in the level of consciousness is often the first observable clue. Clinicians must not "normalize" lethargy or somnolence …
- 2. 小児や青年に起きる失神の緊急評価emergency evaluation of syncope in children and adolescents [show details]
… as sweating, pallor, or changes in heart rate and blood pressure) are often absent. In addition, patients may disclose details of the event that indicate no loss of consciousness and generally suffer no …
- 3. 成人における昏迷および昏睡stupor and coma in adults [show details]
… The patient with impaired consciousness probably cannot contribute a history,… concentrations for specific drugs; CT, allowing for quick assessment of intracranial structural changes, is usually the test of choice for the initial evaluation of a coma patient. Except for focal brainstem …
- 4. 小児や青年の失神の原因causes of syncope in children and adolescents [show details]
… followed by cyanosis and loss of consciousness. In a pallid spell, loss of consciousness occurs before breath holding.… eating disorders may have prolongation of the QT interval, as well as other ECG abnormalities. These changes typically normalize during nutritional rehabilitation. Two clinical phenotypes of congenital LQTS …
- 5. 成人に生じる初回痙攣発作の評価とマネージメントevaluation and management of the first seizure in adults [show details]
…involve different symptoms, including staring with a blank facial expression and impaired consciousness, a change in muscle tone and movement, and repetitive blinking, sometimes accompanied by behaviors …
Japanese Journal
- 外国人生徒への学習支援に対する教員の意識変容 : 「生徒の母語を用いた学習支援」に対するPAC分析調査
- 加藤 義人,杉村 英憲,高荷 英久,安田 健太,世川 望,黒田 稔,小泉 紀雄
- 日本体育大学紀要 42(2), 129-140, 2013-03-30
- NAID 120005273774
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- 意識の障害 意識障害は意識混濁と意識変容とに分類されます 意識障害というと、昏睡状態や気を失った人のことを想像されると思います。 倒れていて反応がない状態ですね。 それらは確かに意識障害で、しかも、程度の重いものです。
- 意識変容とは : 複雑な意識の障害のことをいいます。意識がもうろうとする混濁(こんだく)状態に加えて、幻覚や錯覚、思考の混乱がみられます。不安や興奮をともなうこともあります。
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- 英
- altered state of consciousness ASC
- 関
- 意識変容
- 英
- consciousness
- 関
- 意識障害