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- 1. ST上昇型心筋梗塞の急性期マネージメントの概要overview of the acute management of st elevation myocardial infarction [show details]
…consider administration reasonable. The UpToDate editorial staff would like to thank Dr. Robert S. Rosenson for his past contributions as an author to this topic review.…
- 2. ST上昇型心筋梗塞の非急性期マネージメントの概要overview of the non acute management of st elevation myocardial infarction [show details]
…program is useful for this purpose. The UpToDate editorial staff would like to thank Dr. Robert S. Rosenson for his past contributions as an author to this topic review.…
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- 英
- posterior fontanelle (KA), posterior fontanel (KA)
- ラ
- fonticulus posterior
- 同
- 後泉門
- 関
- 大泉門、泉門
- 閉鎖時期:文献によっては1-2ヶ月あるいは3ヶ月とばらつきがある。
- 英
- fontanelle, fontanelles
- ラ
- fonticulus, fonticuli cranii
- 同
- 頭蓋泉門
- 関
- [[]]
- 英
- phylum
- 関
- 分類学
- 門->亜門->綱