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- 1. 鼻の先天異常 congenital anomalies of the nose
English Journal
- ACF7 is a hair-bundle antecedent, positioned to integrate cuticular plate actin and somatic tubulin.
- Antonellis PJ1, Pollock LM, Chou SW, Hassan A, Geng R, Chen X, Fuchs E, Alagramam KN, Auer M, McDermott BM Jr.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2014 Jan 1;34(1):305-12. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1880-13.2014.
- The precise morphology of the mechanosensitive hair bundle requires seamless integration of actin and microtubule networks. Here, we identify Acf7a (actin crosslinking family protein 7a) as a protein positioned to bridge these distinct cytoskeletal networks in hair cells. By imaging Acf7a-Citrine fu
- PMID 24381291
- Development of outer hair cells in Ames waltzer mice: mutation in protocadherin 15 affects development of cuticular plate and associated structures.
- Kikkawa YS1, Pawlowski KS, Wright CG, Alagramam KN.
- Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007).Anat Rec (Hoboken).2008 Feb;291(2):224-32.
- The Ames waltzer (av) mouse mutant harbors a mutation in the protocadherin 15 gene (Pcdh15) and is a model for deafness in Usher syndrome 1F and nonsyndromic deafness DFNB23. Mutation in Pcdh15 affects stereocilia morphogenesis and polarity. Disruptions of apical cellular components in outer hair ce
- PMID 18085631
- Median defect in the skull.
- Singh R1, Bandyopadhyay M.
- Singapore medical journal.Singapore Med J.2008 Feb;49(2):e61-3.
- A median defect in the region of the root of the nose, in between the two orbits, was discovered in the dried skull of a 44-year-old female cadaver, during routine undergraduate teaching. The two small nasal bones articulated with each other and the cribriform plate of the ethmoid. The lacrimal bone
- PMID 18301830
Japanese Journal
- 蝸牛有毛細胞上部構造の発生 : Pcdhl5変異マウスの知見を中心に
- 吉川 弥生
- Otology Japan 19(3), 207-213, 2009-08-28
- … We examined dynamic ultrastructural changes of the fonticulus, kinocilia and basal body/centriole complex during initiation of bundle organization, between embryonic day 16.5 (E16.5) and postnatal day 10 (P10). … In av mice, stereocilia bundle disorganization first appears at E18 and increased after P0, with mislocalization of the kinocilium and the fonticulus. …
- NAID 10026280355
- MRI in Patients with Fungal Sinusitis; Usefulness for Diagnosis.
- 太田 康,仙波 哲雄,石塚 鉄男,伊藤 健,福田 正弘
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 85(10), 1603-1609, 1992
- … 3) high intensity enhancement all around the inner wall of the maxillary sinus, fonticulus nasi, after contrast with Gd-DTPA.The MRI findings appear to be more characteristic of fungal sinusitis than the CT findings. …
- NAID 130001812142
- ホログラフィ干渉法による乳児頭蓋骨の振動解析の実験的研究
- 武田 恒雄
- 岡山医学会雑誌 97(11-12), 963-972, 1985-12-30
- … As the cranial suture was incomplete with the wide fonticulus remaining and the composition was not so dense or strong as that of the adult, very careful manipulation was needed in the experiment with the infant skull. …
- NAID 120002306836
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- fonticulus /fon·tic·u·lus/ (fon-tik´u-lus) pl. fontic´uli [L.] a fontanelle. fon·tic·u·lus (f n-t k y-l s) n. pl. fon·tic·u·li (-l) Fontanel. fonticulus fonticulus A non-ossified area of membranous bone, in particular of the skull in an infant. Fonticulus ...
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