- 英
- posterior asynclitism
- 関
- 不正軸進入
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- 1. 病院における薬物有害事象の予防prevention of adverse drug events in hospitals [show details]
… Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) refers to a variety of computer-based systems… Examples include inflexible ordering formats generating incorrect orders and juxtaposition errors in which clinicians…
- 2. 妊婦への脊髄幹ブロックで生じる重篤な神経学的合併症serious neurologic complications of neuraxial anesthesia procedures in obstetric patients [show details]
… eliminate the risk of administration of an incorrect drug or administration via an incorrect route.… access to the epidural space via several mechanisms, including direct contamination from the catheter entry point (ie, the patient skin or hair follicles, aerosolized droplets originating from the medical personnel…
- 3. 婦人科腹腔鏡下手術の概要および非経臍帯的進入overview of gynecologic laparoscopic surgery and non umbilical entry sites [show details]
… the point of entry. If a 45° angle from the plane of the abdominal wall is used for entry, such a mass would be palpable at approximately 8.5 cm inferior to the umbilicus. However, entry would require …
- 4. 足部の解剖とバイオマーカー、および成人に生じる足の痛みの評価の概要overview of foot anatomy and biomechanics and assessment of foot pain in adults [show details]
…in specific populations. Conditions are organized by location, including the forefoot, midfoot, and rear foot. Examination focuses on visual inspection of the foot. The appearance of many common foot conditions …
- 5. 投げる動作による傷害:バイオメカニクスおよび傷害のメカニズムthrowing injuries biomechanics and mechanism of injury [show details]
…end of this phase. The windup ends when the athlete has shifted their weight onto the stance (ie, rear) foot. Overall forces and velocities are low during the windup phase and there is minimal risk for … Excessive or incorrect throwing can lead to structural changes in the upper extremity as bones remodel.…
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- 英
- asynclitism
- 同
- 不正軸定位
- 関
- 傾軸進入、正軸進入、頭頂骨進入
- 英
- synclitism
- ラ
- synclitismus
- 同
- 順軸進入、正軸定位
- 関
- 不正軸進入
- 英
- posterior、backward
- 関
- 後、逆、後側
- 英
- surreptitious
- 関
- 秘密、内密