- 関
- 不正軸進入
- 同
- 後不正軸進入
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- 1. 骨髄穿刺塗抹標本の評価evaluation of bone marrow aspirate smears [show details]
… patients with the lysosomal storage disease cystinosis . Bone marrow macrophages (histiocytes) may have ingested blood cells, debris, or invading organisms, as follows: Blood cells – Increased numbers of …
- 2. 小児における、慢性腎臓病に伴う骨ミネラル代謝異常(CKD-MBD)pediatric chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorder ckd mbd [show details]
… osteodystrophy is defined as alterations in bone morphology due to abnormalities of bone turnover and mineralization and is one of the components of CKD-MBD . Although bone biopsy is costly, invasive, and is rarely …
- 3. 膀胱癌の臨床症状、診断、および病期分類clinical presentation diagnosis and staging of bladder cancer [show details]
…directly invading the perivesical soft tissues and nerves or obstructing the bladder outlet and causing urinary retention. Hypogastric, rectal, and perineal pain can be signs of disease invading the obturator… quadrant pain may signal the presence of abdominal lymph node or liver metastases. Bone pain may indicate the presence of bone metastases. Significant and persistent headache or disordered cognitive function … frond-like, or nodular, and persistent from film to film. Filling defects may be the result of parietal tumor implantation, the uneven jagged contours of papillary fronds, or obstruction of a ureter with …
- 4. 胃癌の病理および分子学的病因pathology and molecular pathogenesis of gastric cancer [show details]
… epithelial-mesenchymal transition) at the leading edge of invading tumor cells . Once established, the invading cells then redifferentiate from mesenchymal to epithelial phenotypes.… multifocal loss of the original gastric glands, including mucus secreting glands in the antrum, and parietal and chief cells in the corpus. In some patients, active gastritis does not lead to gland loss. Non-atrophic … cancer is not identified by mucin phenotype, and as will be discussed below, may actually arise from bone marrow. The WHO classification assigns the terms tubular, papillary and mucinous to the histologic …
- 5. 骨転移の機序mechanisms of bone metastases [show details]
… Bone is the third most frequent site of tumor metastasis; it is estimated that 280,000 patients in the United States are living with bone metastases . Bone is the preferred site for breast and prostate …
Related Links
- 後在頭頂骨進入 分娩中に胎児の頭がお母さんの恥骨に当たってしまい分娩の進行が停止してしまうことが多く、帝王切開術になることが多いです。 前在頭頂骨進入 お母さんの仙骨の形が正常であれば、このままの状態でも分娩が進行 ...
- 世界大百科事典 第2版 - 後頭頂骨進入の用語解説 - しかし児頭の矢状縫合がこれより前方または後方に偏るのを不正軸進入という。また矢状縫合が前方に偏るのを後頭頂骨進入,後方に偏るのを前頭頂骨進入という。不正軸進入が強度 ...
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- 英
- asynclitism
- 同
- 不正軸定位
- 関
- 傾軸進入、正軸進入、頭頂骨進入
- 英
- parietal bone, parietal presentation
- ラ
- presentatio parietalis
- 同
- 頭頂骨定位
- 関
- 正軸進入、不正軸進入
- 前頭頂骨進入:矢状縫合が恥骨結合と岬角の中間より仙骨側に偏在。後頭頂骨進入に比べて予後良好(QB.P-292)。
- 順軸進入 :矢状縫合が恥骨結合と岬角の中間に来る
- 後頭頂骨進入:矢状縫合が恥骨結合と岬角の中間より恥骨側に偏在
- 英
- vertex、parietal
- 関
- 頭頂部、頂点、壁側
- 英
- parietal bone
- ラ
- os parietale
- 関
- 頭蓋