- 英
- microdactylia
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- 1. 慢性腎臓疾患に関連する無形成骨症adynamic bone disease associated with chronic kidney disease [show details]
…these patients are at increased risk of fractures (likely due to an impaired ability to repair microdamage) and hypercalcemia . Vascular calcification, which may be observed on imaging studies , has been …
- 2. 乾癬性関節炎の病因pathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis [show details]
…demonstration of altered vascularity at enthesis insertion sites, particularly in the presence of microdamage and ensuing repair, suggests that local biomechanical factors and local trauma may also drive the…
- 3. 骨粗鬆症における骨代謝の生物学的マーカーの使用use of biochemical markers of bone turnover in osteoporosis [show details]
…have hypothesized that such oversuppression of bone turnover may interfere with normal repair of microdamage and increased skeletal fragility. This topic is reviewed elsewhere. Long-term compliance with…
- 4. 骨粗鬆症の病因pathogenesis of osteoporosis [show details]
…independent contributor to bone fragility . Second, there is disruption of signals necessary for microdamage repair ; these signals may be released during or shortly after osteocyte apoptosis, but if the…
- 5. 骨格の正常な発達および骨形成ならびに骨吸収の調節normal skeletal development and regulation of bone formation and resorption [show details]
…are relatively small, which is appropriate for a structure that can undergo strain with minimal microdamage. Mineralization is probably limited not only by the packing of the collagen fibers, but also by…
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- 英
- little finger
- ラ
- digitus minimus
- 関
- 親指、手指
- 英
- sis, pathy