- 英
- counter transference
- 関
- 逆転移
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- 1. OTC咳止め・かぜ薬:小児の中毒へのアプローチover the counter cough and cold preparations approach to pediatric poisoning [show details]
… Orally administered over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications contain a variety of active ingredients including acetaminophen, antihistamines, dextromethorphan, decongestants (eg, alpha adrenergic …
- 2. 夜間の足痙攣nocturnal leg cramps [show details]
…floor; the position is held for 10 to 20 seconds and stretches are repeated three to five times in succession, four times daily for the first week, then twice daily in the evening, and again before retiring … sedentary patients, riding a stationary bicycle for a few minutes before retiring. Using long-countered shoes and other proper foot gear. Keeping the bed covers at the foot of the bed loose and not …
- 3. 小児における痙攣を伴うてんかん重積状態のマネージメントmanagement of convulsive status epilepticus in children [show details]
…should not be used in an attempt to control SE. Nonprescription medications, including over-the-counter drugs, illicit substances, and, rarely, herbal preparations, can precipitate seizures. Specific questioning … The initial assessment and treatment of a patient in SE should proceed in quick succession For children presenting with convulsive SE,…
- 4. 小児における感冒:マネージメントおよび予防the common cold in children management and prevention [show details]
…neither steam nor cool mist therapy be encouraged in the management of a cough or cold . Over-the-counter (OTC) products for symptomatic relief of the common cold in children include antihistamines, decongestants …
- 5. 緩和ケアにおける不眠症の概要overview of insomnia in palliative care [show details]
…insomnia as a result of delirium, prescribing zolpidem or benzodiazepines or using the over-the-counter agent diphenhydramine to treat insomnia is likely to worsen the delirium. Patients with end-stage …
Japanese Journal
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- 心理療法において患者から陽性転移を向けられると治療者は何となく良い気持ちになり、陰性転移を向けられると不快で嫌な感じがする。 このような患者からの感情転移に対応して治療者が抱く感情態度を対抗感情転移という。
- 一方、援助関係の中で、援助者に生じる感情や反応は、「逆転移(あるいは対抗転移)」と呼ばれる。逆転移には、いくつかの種類がある。まず、クライエントから受けとるさまざまな印象も逆転移である。
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- 英
- countertransference, counter-transference, counter transference
- 同
- 対抗転移
- 英
- metastasis
- 関
- metastatic potential、skip metastasis、metastatic disease
リンパ節が最多。肝臓、胸膜、対側肺、副腎、心膜、骨(肋骨、椎骨)、大脳(圧迫症状出現) 遠隔転移:肺内>骨>脳>肝>副腎 小細胞癌が最も転移しやすい。
肺>骨 発見時に10-20%の症例で肺転移。
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- 英
- transference
- →感情転移
- 英
- transposition
- 英
- opposition、confrontation、oppose、counteract、rival、against
- 関
- 競合、相殺、直面、反作用、反対、備えて、逆らって、対立、競合相手、ライバル