- 英
- marble skin
- ラ
- cutis marmorata
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- 1. 新生児における血管病変vascular lesions in the newborn [show details]
…generalized or localized reticulated cutaneous vascular network. Like cutis marmorata , it may be accentuated by cold. However, unlike cutis marmorata, the cutaneous abnormalities do not usually resolve with rewarming …
- 2. 新生児や乳児の皮膚病変skin lesions in the newborn and infant [show details]
…and usually resolves with warming. No treatment is required. Physiologic cutis marmorata must be distinguished from cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenital (CMTC), a vascular malformation in which the …
- 3. 重症先天性心疾患を有する新生児の識別identifying newborns with critical congenital heart disease [show details]
…lower extremities that must be distinguished from cutis marmorata , a purplish, marble-like mottling that appears with exposure to cold . Cutis marmorata is probably caused by constriction of the small cutaneous…
- 4. 妊娠への母体の適応:皮膚、毛髪、爪、粘膜maternal adaptations to pregnancy skin hair nails and mucous membranes [show details]
…pregnancy include: Vasomotor instability causing facial flushing, pallor, hot/cold sensations, and cutis marmorata (a bluish reticulated patch on the legs) . Capillary permeability and increased sodium and water…
- 5. ダウン症:臨床的特徴および診断down syndrome clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…hyperkeratosis – 41 percent; Seborrheic dermatitis – 31 percent; Fissured tongue – 20 percent; Cutis marmorata – 13 percent; Geographic tongue – 11 percent; Xerosis – 10 percent; Alopecia areata – 8 percent…
Japanese Journal
- 舌および口唇の腫瘤を主訴に来院した先天性毛細血管拡張性大理石様皮膚の1例
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- 世界大百科事典 第2版 - 大理石様皮膚の用語解説 - 皮膚の小動脈の内腔がせまくなり,小静脈が拡張し,皮膚末梢の血液循環障害が起こるために生ずると考えられている。大理石様皮膚cutis marmorataと分枝状皮斑livedo racemosaの2 ...
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- 品川区 皮膚科 美容皮膚科 先天性血管拡張性大理石様皮斑 母斑、母斑症 治療 費用 先天性血管拡張性大理石様皮斑 先天性血管拡張性大理石様皮斑 (Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita; CMTC) 本症は、生来性で、紫紅色調で ...
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- ラ
- livedo racemosa
- 関
- 大理石様皮膚、網状皮斑
[show details]
分枝状皮斑 : 約 2,930 件
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分枝状皮膚炎 : 1 件
多発性網状仮死 : 1 件
- http://www.dermis.net/dermisroot/ja/42809/image.htm
- http://www.dermis.net/dermisroot/ja/42784/diagnose.htm
- 英
- marble
- 関
- 方解石、石灰石、炭酸カルシウム、ファーテル石、霰石
- 英
- skin
- ラ
- cutis
- 関
- 皮膚の構造