- 英
- allogeneic, allogenic
- 同
- 同種異系の
- 関
- 異種の、同系の
- denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to the same species but genetically dissimilar (and hence immunologically incompatible)
- all of the same or similar kind or nature; "a close-knit homogeneous group" (同)homogenous
- belonging to the same species; "cultivated cabbage and wild cabbage are conspecific"
- an organism belonging to the same species as another organism
- 同種の,同性の;均質の,等質の
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- 1. 血清病および血清病様反応serum sickness and serum sickness like reactions [show details]
…the responsible drug is stopped. This topic review will discuss serum sickness and serum sickness-like reactions (SSLRs), with an emphasis upon the biology and clinical features of serum sickness. A detailed …
- 2. 2型糖尿病治療のためのグルカゴン様ペプチド1受容体拮抗薬glucagon like peptide 1 receptor agonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus [show details]
… Research has focused on GLP-1-like agonists that are resistant to DPP-4 degradation and on agents that increase GLP-1 via inhibition of DPP-4. Synthetic glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists …
- 3. インスリン様成長因子Iの生理学physiology of insulin like growth factor 1 [show details]
… Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a hormone that functions as the major mediator of growth hormone (GH)-stimulated somatic growth, as well as a mediator of GH-independent anabolic responses in many …
- 4. Toll様受容体:疾患および治療における役割toll like receptors roles in disease and therapy [show details]
…examples of PRRs include nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) and the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs). Different species have different numbers of …
- 5. ヒトの疾患に関連する頻度が低いビブリオ属およびビブリオ属類似菌minor vibrio and vibrio like species associated with human disease [show details]
…epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the six minor Vibrio and Vibrio-like species that have been associated with human disease. Infections due to the major Vibrio species are …
Japanese Journal
- 粘着と剥離(32)同種のものが必ずしも接着しやすいとは限らない : 〈一般論は一度疑ってみるのもいい。そこから何か新しいものが見つかるかもしれない。〉〈フジツボ付着防止の最近の研究〉〈マグロの皮膚をヒントに"低摩擦・低燃費型船底防汚塗料"〉
- 『絵本通宝志』にみる橘守国の作画法 : 巻五上「太公望」を中心に
- 古明地 樹,Tatsuki KOMEIJI,コメイジ タツキ
- 総研大文化科学研究 = Sokendai review of cultural and social studies (15), 47-63, 2019-03
- … この主張は典型的な粉本主義と同種のものだと言える一方で、図様の中には先例から逸脱したものが少なくない。 …
- NAID 120006627888
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- 関
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- 抗核抗体 ANA、ホモゲネス
- 関
- conspecific、homogeneous、homogeneousness、same race
- 関
- homogeneous、homogeneousness、homogenous、same race
- 英
- (分類学)species、(植物種子)seed、trivial
- 関
- 化学種、菌種、種子、種属、播種、自明、平凡、シーズ、植物胚、リンネ種
- 英
- same race、homogeneousness、homogeneous、conspecific、(誤用)homogenous
- 関
- 均一、均一性、均質