- 英
- ()
- 英
- accessory cuneate nucleus
- 関
- 外側楔状束核
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- 1. 鎖骨下動脈盗血症候群subclavian steal syndrome [show details]
…disease, the incidence of subclavian/innominate stenosis/occlusion was 17 percent, but only 2.5 percent fulfilled the criteria for subclavian steal . A later study identified subclavian stenosis/occlusion in …
- 2. 鎖骨下静脈カテーテルの留置placement of subclavian venous catheters [show details]
…portion of the subclavian artery. The left-sided thoracic duct and right-sided lymphatic duct course posterior to the subclavian vein and enter the vessel near the confluence of the subclavian and internal …
- 3. 上肢血行再建術の手術手技および血管内治療手技surgical and endovascular techniques for upper extremity revascularization [show details]
… neurovascular bundle. After entering the left chest, a Finochietto retractor is inserted between the ribs to improve exposure By retracting the uninflated lung, the aortic arch and proximal left subclavian can …
- 4. 脚ブロックまたはペーシング調律存在下での心筋梗塞の心電図による診断electrocardiographic diagnosis of myocardial infarction in the presence of bundle branch block or a paced rhythm [show details]
…Infarction 2 investigators . Right bundle branch block was present in approximately 6 percent and left bundle branch block in 7 percent of infarctions. Patients with bundle branch block were significantly …
- 5. 後方循環系の脳血管症候群posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes [show details]
…the subclavian or innominate arteries proximal to the vertebral artery origin can cause reduction of vertebral artery flow. In the subclavian steal syndrome, obstruction of the proximal subclavian artery… These are related to lesions of the spinal nucleus of V and the descending spinal tract of V.…
Japanese Journal
- いわゆるmiddle root zoneの変性を伴う家族性筋萎縮性側索硬化症における副楔状束核の変性(短報)
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- これに対して、上肢、頚部、体感上部などからの深部知覚は副楔状束核小脳路によって伝えられる。これは最初下部胸髄にあらわれるが、その起始細胞は胸髄核ほどには、はっきりと分離していない。線維は第 ...
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- 英
- cuneocerebellar tract
- 関
- 長後索路。深部感覚。後脊髄小脳路
- 英
- cuneate nucleus (KH)
- ラ
- nucleus cuneatus
- 同
- ブルダッハ楔状束核 Burdach cuneate nucleus、Burdach核 ブルダッハ核
- 関
- 薄束、薄束核、楔状束、楔状束核。後索-内側毛帯系
- 延髄、薄束核の外側に存在
- 灰白質の塊
- 上肢の感覚を伝導する
-cuneate nucleus
-nucleus cuneatus
- 英
- cuneate fasciculus (B,KL), CF
- ラ
- fasciculus cuneatus
- 同
- ブルダッハ索、ブルダッハ束,Burdach束, Burdach's columns
- 関
- 薄束
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- cuneate、cuneiform、wedge-shaped
- 関
- 楔型、楔形
- 英
- nucleus, nuclei
- 同
- 細胞核
- 関
- 細胞