- 英
- Bitot spot, Bitot's spots
- 関
- 角膜軟化症
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- 1. ビタミンAの概要overview of vitamin a [show details]
…conjunctiva and cornea, caused by inadequate function of the lacrimal glands and is manifested by Bitot spots (areas of abnormal squamous cell proliferation and keratinization of the conjunctiva), progressing…
- 2. 発展途上国の小児における栄養障害:臨床的評価malnutrition in children in resource limited countries clinical assessment [show details]
…deficiency – Characterized by ocular findings with corneal cloudiness, ulceration and xerosis , and Bitot spots Vitamin D deficiency – Characterized by skeletal changes with beading of the ribs (rachitic rosary)…
- 3. 小児の栄養障害と関連した微量栄養素欠乏micronutrient deficiencies associated with malnutrition in children [show details]
…blindness, which is followed by xerosis (dryness) of the conjunctiva and cornea , and development of Bitot spots (triangular areas of abnormal squamous cell proliferation and keratinization of the conjunctiva) …
- 4. 麻疹:臨床症状、診断、治療、予防、予防measles clinical manifestations diagnosis treatment and prevention [show details]
…international units; For children with clinical signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency (such as Bitot spots), a third dose of vitamin A should be administered four to six weeks later. Given the risk of…
- 5. 肥満手術:術後の栄養管理bariatric surgery postoperative nutritional management [show details]
…within four years of BPD/DS . Early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include night blindness, Bitot spots , poor healing, hyperkeratinization of the skin, and loss of taste. Late symptoms can include corneal…
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- ビタミンAの欠乏によって結膜が乾燥する疾患。球結膜に潤いがなく、角膜の両側に白い斑点 (はんてん) (ビトーBitot斑)ができる。眼球を動かすと結膜にしわがよる。この状態のとき、同時に夜盲がある。ビタミンAの欠乏は、摂取量 ...
- 泡状の斑点が耳側および,しばしば鼻側眼球結膜上に現れる(ビトー斑)。夜盲症を生じることもある。特異的治療法など,より詳細な情報については, ビタミンA 欠乏症を参照のこと。 Last full review/revision September 2014 by Melvin ...
- はんてん【斑点】とは。意味や解説、類語。表面にまばらに散らばった、点。 - goo国語辞書は29万語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。
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- 英
- vitamin A deficiency
- 関
- ビタミンA
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- keratomalacia
- 関
- ビタミンA、ビトー斑
- 英
- macula
- 関
- 発疹