イソニアジド isoniazid
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- iodineの化学記号
- Indiana
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- イソニコチン酸ヒドラジドの略。イソニアジドとも。結核の治療薬として用いられる。
- 禁止、抑制状態を意味する英単語「inhibit」の略。インヒ。電子工学などで用いられる。
- INH (企業) - コンピュータゲームの攻略DVDなどを製作・販売している企業、株式会社アイエヌエイチ。
- インターネット浜松の略称。浜松市を中心にインターネットサービスプロバイダ事業、IP電話事業を行っている。
- イングーシ語のISO 639コード
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INH or inh may refer to:
- Isoniazid
- Ingush language, ISO 639 code
- Dutch East Indies, (FIFA country code: INH)
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English Journal
- Metabolomics and transcriptomics demonstrate severe oxidative stress in both localized chemotherapy-treated and bystander tumors.
- Morvan D1, Demidem A2.Author information 1UDA University, 49 Boulevard François Mitterrand, CS 60032, 63001 Clermont Ferrand Cedex 1, France; Centre Jean Perrin, 58 Rue Montalembert, F-63011 Clermont Ferrand, France. Electronic address: ademidem@clermont.inra.fr.2UMR 1019 INRA/UDA University, ECREIN, Laboratoire de Biochimie Biologie Moléculaire, Faculté de Pharmacie, 28 Place Henri Dunant, F-63001 Clermont Ferrand, France. Electronic address: Daniel.Morvan@udamail.fr.AbstractBACKGROUND: Localized radiotherapy is long known to cause damages to not only targeted but also non-targeted cells, the so-called bystander (BS) effect. Recently, BS effect was demonstrated in response to chemotherapy. To get further insight into the mechanism of chemotherapy-induced BS effect in vivo, we investigated the response of normal tissues and untreated BS melanomas, at distance from localized chemotherapy-treated melanomas.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2014 Mar;1840(3):1092-104. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.11.022. Epub 2013 Dec 1.
- BACKGROUND: Localized radiotherapy is long known to cause damages to not only targeted but also non-targeted cells, the so-called bystander (BS) effect. Recently, BS effect was demonstrated in response to chemotherapy. To get further insight into the mechanism of chemotherapy-induced BS effect in vi
- PMID 24296419
- Polymorphism p.Val231Ile alters substrate selectivity of drug-metabolizing arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) isoenzyme of rhesus macaque and human.
- Tsirka T1, Boukouvala S1, Agianian B1, Fakis G2.Author information 1Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Alexandroupolis, Greece.2Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Alexandroupolis, Greece. Electronic address: gfakis@mbg.duth.gr.AbstractArylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are polymorphic enzymes mediating the biotransformation of arylamine/arylhydrazine xenobiotics, including pharmaceuticals and environmental carcinogens. The NAT1 and NAT2 genes, and their many polymorphic variants, have been thoroughly studied in humans by pharmacogeneticists and cancer epidemiologists. However, little is known about the function of NAT homologues in other primate species, including disease models. Here, we perform a comparative functional investigation of the NAT2 homologues of the rhesus macaque and human. We further dissect the functional impact of a previously described rhesus NAT2 gene polymorphism, causing substitution of valine by isoleucine at amino acid position 231. Gene constructs of rhesus and human NAT2, bearing or lacking non-synonymous polymorphism c.691G>A (p.Val231Ile), were expressed in Escherichia coli for comparative enzymatic analysis against various NAT1- and NAT2-selective substrates. The results suggest that the p.Val231Ile polymorphism does not compromise the stability or overall enzymatic activity of NAT2. However, substitution of Val231 by the bulkier isoleucine appears to alter enzyme substrate selectivity by decreasing the affinity towards NAT2 substrates and increasing the affinity towards NAT1 substrates. The experimental observations are supported by in silico modelling localizing polymorphic residue 231 close to amino acid loop 125-129, which forms part of the substrate binding pocket wall and determines the substrate binding preferences of the NAT isoenzymes. The p.Val231Ile polymorphism is the first natural polymorphism demonstrated to affect NAT substrate selectivity via this particular mechanism. The study is also the first to thoroughly characterize the properties of a polymorphic NAT isoenzyme in a non-human primate model.
- Gene.Gene.2014 Feb 15;536(1):65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.11.085. Epub 2013 Dec 11.
- Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are polymorphic enzymes mediating the biotransformation of arylamine/arylhydrazine xenobiotics, including pharmaceuticals and environmental carcinogens. The NAT1 and NAT2 genes, and their many polymorphic variants, have been thoroughly studied in humans by pharm
- PMID 24333853
- A systematic analysis of the complement pathways in patients with neuromyelitis optica indicates alteration but no activation during remission.
- Veszeli N, Füst G, Csuka D, Trauninger A, Bors L, Rozsa C, Nagy Z, Jobbágy Z, Eizler K, Prohászka Z, Varga L, Illes Z.Author information 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.AbstractNeuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an autoimmune demyelinating inflammatory disorder, mediated by pathogenic autoantibodies against aquaporin 4 (AQP4), the main water channel of the central nervous system (CNS). NMO is characterized by local IgG deposition and complement activation within the CNS, but the three complement pathways have not been systematically investigated. We evaluated the overall activation of the classical, alternative, and MBL-lectin pathways in the peripheral blood of 25 patients with AQP4-seropositive NMO spectrum during remission and 113 healthy controls by three ways: (1) we measured the concentrations of native complement proteins of the three pathways [C1-inhibitor (C1-inh), C1q, C4, C3, C5, factor I, factor B, properdin]; (2) the concentrations of complement products suggesting in vivo activation (C1rC1sC1-inh, C3a, C3bBbP, and SC5b-9); and (3) the total activity of the three complement pathways. Additionally we measured levels of C1rC1sC1-inh, C3a, C3bBbP in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 6 patients with relapsing NMO and of 18 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). The serological studies indicated that total complement activity of the classical [median (interquartile range) 72 (61-82) vs. 65 (56-73) CH50/mL; p=0.0122] and of the lectin pathways [73 (59-111) vs. 49 (3-92)%; p=0.0078)] were elevated compared with the controls, whereas that of the alternative pathway was not significantly different. The levels of C3 [1.1 (0.9-1.3) vs. 1.4 (1.2-1.5)g/L; p<0.0001], factor B [89 (77-115) vs. 103 (93-113)%; p=0.0397] and factor I [85 (69-95) vs. 101 (93-107)%; p=0.0007], as well as of properdin [92 (74-104) vs. 108 (97-122)%; p=0.0028] were significantly lower in the patients than in the controls. The only increase in the patients was ascertained in the relative concentration of C1rC1sC1-inh vs. the C1-inhibitor (42.3 [31.9-65.0] vs. 30.8 [13.5-43.5] AU/mg; p=0.0007). The absolute and relative levels of the other complement activation products were not elevated in the patients. On the contrary, the serum concentrations of C3a, C3bBbP, and SC5b-9 of the patients were lower than those of the controls. The absolute concentration of the complement activation products (C1rC1sC1-inh, C3bBbP, C3a) and the ratio of C3bBbP/C1rC1sC1-inh did not differ in NMO and MS CSF samples. The ratio of C3bBbP/C1rC1sC1-inh was similar in NMO plasma and CSF samples. We found a higher ratio of C3bBbP/C1rC1sC1-inh in the plasma of control subjects compared to those in any pathological samples. Our results do not indicate substantial systemic complement activation if NMO activity is adequately controlled; nevertheless, the complement system is abnormally affected even during remission. The relative ancillarity of the alternative compared to the classical pathway may also suggest that suppression of the alternative pathway by treatment may be important to achieve remission.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2014 Feb;57(2):200-9. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.09.010. Epub 2013 Oct 26.
- Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an autoimmune demyelinating inflammatory disorder, mediated by pathogenic autoantibodies against aquaporin 4 (AQP4), the main water channel of the central nervous system (CNS). NMO is characterized by local IgG deposition and complement activation within the CNS, but th
- PMID 24172223
Japanese Journal
- 井口 蘭,中澤 龍一,諸井 明徳,石原 由梨,外堀 恵,井川 浩海,河阪 明彦,丸川 浩平,上木 耕一郎
- 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 27(1), 22-26, 2014
- … In accordance with the HAE guidelines, C1-INH was injected before surgery and tranexamic acid was administered long-term to avoid angioedema attacks. …
- NAID 130003398154
- 20代の女性に発症したMycobacterium kansasii症の2例
- 出浦 弦,吾妻 俊彦,藤本 圭作
- 信州医学雑誌 = The Shinshu medical journal 62(1), 51-57, 2014
- NAID 120005373331
- インターフェロンγ遊離試験T-スポット<SUP>®</SUP>.<I>TB</I>が結核症の診断に有用であった透析患者の1例
- 甲田 亮,吉野 篤範,今西 優仁 [他],川本 進也,竹田 徹朗,水口 真理,笛木 直人,相良 博典
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 46(7), 681-686, 2013
- 69歳,女性,抗基底膜抗体型急速進行性糸球体腎炎のため8か月前に血液透析導入.近医で週3回の維持血液透析を受けていた.血液透析導入後も抗基底膜抗体価は高値を持続しプレドニゾロン,シクロホスファミドの内服を継続していた.入院2か月前から微熱あり.咳,痰などの呼吸器症状はなかった.精査のため当院入院,両肺野にびまん性の小結節影あり,肺結核症が疑われた.入院翌日血液透析開始時にT-スポット<SUP …
- NAID 130003372799
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- イソニアジド、抗結核薬、結核、ビタミンB6、ビタミンB6欠乏症
- ヒト型結核菌H37Rv株に対する最小発育阻止濃度(MIC)は、0.1μg/ml(10%血清加Kirchner培地で測定)で、INHと同等の抗菌力を示す。
- マウス実験的結核症(H37Rv株)に対して、同量投与の場合、本剤はINHとほぼ同等の治療効果を示す
- 2. 痙攣 頻度不明注1)
- 3. 視神経炎、視神経萎縮
- 頻度不明注1)
- 症状:視力低下、中心暗点等
- 処置方法:ビタミンB6投与等
- 4. 末梢神経炎
- 頻度不明注1)
- 症状:四肢の異常感覚、しびれ感、知覚障害、腱反射低下、筋力低下、筋萎縮等
- 処置方法:ビタミンB6投与等
- 重篤な肝障害のある患者[肝障害が悪化するおそれがある。]
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6222005A1035_1_01/6222005A1035_1_01?view=body
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- isoniazid INH
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- 抗結核薬、結核、イソニアジドメタンスルホン酸ナトリウム、ビタミンB6、ビタミンB6欠乏症
- 抗結核剤
- 結核菌の細胞壁を構成するミコール酸の生合成を阻害。
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6222001F3037_2_03/6222001F3037_2_03?view=body
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