- 英
- vasorrhaphy
- 関
- 精管吻合術、精管
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- 1. 精管切除術vasectomy [show details]
… nonmotile sperm (defined as presence of ≤100,000 nonmotile sperm/mL based on microscopic exam of at least 50 high-powered fields) . Complications following vasectomy include hematoma, infection, sperm granuloma… gloves, sterile gauze. Electrocautery equipment or disposable thermal cautery. Sutures (4-0 absorbable [chromic or polyglactin 910], preferably on a noncutting needle). 10 mL syringe with a 1.5 inch 25 or 27 …
- 2. 成人における術後の腹膜癒着とその予防postoperative peritoneal adhesions in adults and their prevention [show details]
… excess suture material, lint, talc) should be minimized to reduce the number of nidi for fibrin deposition. Fine, nonreactive suture material should be used wherever possible; silk sutures,… or from tubal or intrauterine adhesions that hinder sperm transport or embryo implantation.…
- 3. Undescended testes (cryptorchidism) in children: Managementundescended testes cryptorchidism in children management [show details]
… testes) have an increased incidence of lower sperm counts, sperm of poorer quality,… cord are freed from surrounding attachments, and the testis is manipulated into the scrotum and sutured in place. The procedure is performed through an inguinal and/or scrotal incision. Primary orchiopexy…
- 4. 性交時の避妊器具: ペッサリー、子宮頸管キャップ、殺精子剤、避妊用スポンジpericoital contraception diaphragm cervical cap spermicides and sponge [show details]
… or suppositories provide contraception by immobilizing sperm, thus creating a chemical "barrier" against normal assent of sperm into the upper genital tract.… matrix impregnated with 1 gram of nonoxynol-9 that becomes activated when the sponge is moistened. A nylon loop is attached to the bottom for removal As of 2018, the Today Sponge is the main contraceptive …
- 5. 膀胱外反症を有する小児の外科的マネージメントおよび術後経過surgical management and postoperative outcome of children with bladder exstrophy [show details]
…decreased sperm motility, and low ejaculate volumes . In one case series, semen analyses from 8 of 25 men with bladder exstrophy showed low ejaculate volume in six specimens, normal sperm count in five,… with modification of the procedure (interrupted suture closure of the urethra at epispadias repair),…
Japanese Journal
- 輸送精路ニ於ケル成形手術ニ關スル實驗的硏研究 (第三回報告) : 輸精管縫合術ニ就イテノ知見補遺
- 佐藤 政夫
- 岡山醫學會雜誌 38(432), 73-79, 1926
- Die Wiederherstelluug der Kontinuität des Samenleiters, der bei den Verletzungen und auch unbeabsichtigt bei den Leistenbruchoperationen durchschnitten ist, ist vielfach durch die einfache End-zu-Endn …
- NAID 130006929115
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- パイプカットとは、両側精管結紮切除術ともいい、男性が行う避妊手術です。 精巣(睾丸)で作られた精子を精嚢へ運ぶ精管を結紮切除する方法で、この手術を行えば、普通に射精はできますが、精子が全く含まれていない精液が射精されるため、コンドームを付けないで膣内射精しても妊娠 ...
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- 英
- suture, stitch
- 関
- 頭蓋縫合
- 簡単に縫合を図解
- http://www.geocities.jp/dogcat1111122222/suture2.html
- 英
- vas deferens (Z), ductus derens (Z), deferent canal, deferent duct, deferent canal
- ラ
- ductus deferens
- 同
- 輸精管
- 関
- 精巣、男性生殖器系
- 英
- surgery
- 関
- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術
- 英
- suture
- 関
- 縫合、頭蓋骨縫合