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- 1. 酒さのマネージメントmanagement of rosacea [show details]
… due to concern over the effect of rosacea on physical appearance. As there is no cure for rosacea, treatment is focused on symptom suppression. The management of rosacea will be discussed here. The pathogenesis …
- 2. 酒さ:病因、臨床的特徴、および診断rosacea pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… relationship of granulomatous rosacea to other presentations of rosacea has been debated, but in 2002, a committee of experts recognized this disorder as a possible variant of rosacea . Granulomatous rosacea presents …
- 3. 成人の顔面紅潮に対するアプローチapproach to flushing in adults [show details]
…heat . Acne rosacea is a common inflammatory dermatologic disorder primarily affecting the face. The typical age of onset is between age 40 and 60, though earlier onset is not uncommon. Rosacea characteristically …
- 4. 膿疱性皮膚病変を有する患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with pustular skin lesions [show details]
…discussed in detail separately. Rosacea is a common chronic disorder that may present with pustular eruptions, particularly in moderate and severe cases . Pustular rosacea is found frequently on the central …
- 5. 学会が公開する診療ガイドラインのリンク:酒さsociety guideline links rosacea [show details]
… content. Global ROSacea COnsensus (ROSCO) Panel: Recommendations for rosacea diagnosis, classification, and management, update (2019) Global ROSCO Panel: Recommendations for rosacea treatment, 2016 update …
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Related Pictures
- ラ
- rosacea erythematosa
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- 第一度酒さ
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- 酒さ
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- 一次的、主、主要、本来
- 英
- liquor
- 関
- アルコール飲料