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- 1. 周術期の栄養補給の概要overview of perioperative nutritional support [show details]
… hospital stay . The nutritional assessment of surgical patients, options for, and potential benefits of nutritional support are reviewed here. An overview of parenteral and enteral nutrition and issues related …
- 2. 重症患者における栄養補給:概要nutrition support in critically ill patients an overview [show details]
… contraindications, and daily nutritional requirements. Access, formulations, prescribing, monitoring, and complications of enteral and parenteral nutrition are discussed separately. Nutritional needs in the critically …
- 3. 早産児における経腸栄養に対するアプローチapproach to enteral nutrition in the premature infant [show details]
… medical condition, it may be necessary to provide partial or total parenteral nutrition. Issues related to enteral nutrition in the premature infant are reviewed here. The composition of the feeding, including …
- 4. 妊娠中の栄養nutrition in pregnancy [show details]
… developing fetus . Good nutrition is one way to buffer exposure to toxic agents . Pregnant women should be encouraged to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (either conventional or organic), legumes, and whole …
- 5. 熱傷患者への栄養管理の概要overview of nutrition support in burn patients [show details]
… Nutrition support is the provision of nutrients and any necessary adjunctive therapeutic agents to improve or maintain the nutritional status. Nutrition support is fundamental in the management of patients …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- heterotroph
- 同
- 有機栄養体、他家栄養生物
- 関
- 消費者。独立栄養生物 autotroph、独立栄養
- 英
- nutrition、nutrient、vegetative, alimentation
- ラ
- nutritio
- 関
- 栄養性、栄養素、栄養分、栄養法、植物性、増殖型、栄養剤
- 水:体重x30ml
- Na:体重x 1mEq
- K:体重x 0.5mEq
- http://fooddb.mext.go.jp/
- 英
- body
- ラ
- corpus、corpora
- 関
- 肉体、身体、本体、コーパス、ボディー
- 英
- organic、organo
- 関
- 有機物、器質性、器質的、有機的、オルガノ
- 英
- trophozoite
- 同
- 栄養型、トロフォゾイト
- 関
- 原生動物、原虫