- 英
- recall
- 関
- リコール、思い起こす、想起
- make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution; "The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty"
- the act of removing an official by petition
- a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) (同)callback
- the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode" (同)recollection, reminiscence
- a bugle call that signals troops to return
- a call to return; "the recall of our ambassador"
- summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession" (同)call_back
- cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt" (同)call_in, call_back, withdraw
- cause ones (or someone elses) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh"
- …‘を'『思い出す』,…‘が'思い出される / (…から…へ)〈人〉‘を'『呼び戻す』,召還する;〈物〉‘を'回収する《+『名』+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈命令・決定など〉‘を'『取り消す』,徹回する / 《米》…‘を'任期満了前に解雇する / 〈U〉(人・物事を)『思い出すこと』,(…の)回想《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《時にa ~》(人の)召還;(物の)回収 / 〈U〉取り消し,徹回 / 〈U〉〈C〉リコール(有権者による公職者の罷免)
Japanese Journal
- 「読まれるチラシ・捨てられるチラシ」特別インタビュー 売上アップアドバイザー 川口雅行氏 効果を出すカギは「計画」の数値化 「情報提供」でお客を自店に呼び戻す! (特集 成功店はココが違う! チラシ販促大研究)
- 特別インタビュー 教育と雇用の創出で"人"を呼び戻す 桜井勝延南相馬市長に聞く 子育て世代に向けた教育環境の充実が何よりの効果となる
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- 英
- retrieval、recall、retrieve
- 関
- 追想、回収、検索、修復、リコール、思い起こす、呼び戻す
- 英
- recall
- 関
- 思い起こす、呼び戻す、想起
- 英
- recall
- 関
- リコール、呼び戻す、想起
- 英
- return、recover
- 関
- 回収、回復、帰還、戻る、返る、返す