- make aware of; "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation"
- be awake, be alert, be there
- a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial; "theres no weeping at an Irish wake" (同)viewing
- the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward; "the motorboats wake capsized the canoe" (同)backwash
- pan with a convex bottom; used for frying in Chinese cooking
- wake の過去分詞
- 『目を覚ます』(awake)《+up》 / 《文》目を覚ましたままでいる,寝ずにいる《+up》 / (…に)気づく,目覚める《+up to+名》 / 〈人〉‘の'『目を覚まさせる』,‘を'起こす(awaken)《+名+up,+up+名》 / 《比喩的に》(…に)…‘を'目覚めさせる,窪づかせる,活発にする《+up+名(+名+up)+to+名》 / (死者のために)通夜をする / 《おもにアイルランド・イギリス北部》通夜
- 物が通った跡,(特に)航跡
- 中華なべ(中国料理で使う丸底の深いなべ)
- wake の過去
English Journal
- Exploratory study of sleeping patterns in children admitted to hospital.
- Herbert AR1, de Lima J, Fitzgerald DA, Seton C, Waters KA, Collins JJ.
- Journal of paediatrics and child health.J Paediatr Child Health.2014 Jun 3. doi: 10.1111/jpc.12617. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: Sleep is considered an important time of healing and restoration during illness. The primary aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of self-reported sleep disturbance in children admitted to a tertiary children's hospital with a variety of medical diagnoses.METHODS: Parents of child
- PMID 24893889
- The prevalence of asthma diagnosis and symptoms is still increasing in early adolescents in Turkey.
- Duksal F1, Becerir T2, Ergin A2, Akcay A3, Guler N4.
- Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology.Allergol Int.2014 Jun;63(2):189-97. doi: 10.2332/allergolint.13-OA-0612. Epub 2014 Feb 25.
- BACKGROUND: This study was performed to evaluate the time trends in prevalence of asthma and related factors in Denizli, Turkey.METHODS: Two cross-sectional surveys were performed, 6 years apart (2002 and 2008) using the ISAAC protocol, in the 13-14 age groups and comparisons were made between the r
- PMID 24561770
- Understanding the sleep problems of people with dementia and their family caregivers.
- Gibson RH1, Gander PH, Jones LM.
- Dementia (London, England).Dementia (London).2014 May;13(3):350-65. doi: 10.1177/1471301212473884. Epub 2013 Jan 24.
- Sleep disturbances are common with dementia and can adversely affect waking function. However, the perspectives of people with dementia and their family caregivers concerning their sleep are under-researched. We conducted three focus groups with 12 community-dwelling pairs (a person with dementia an
- PMID 24339061
Japanese Journal
- OSA睡眠調査票に基づく機械学習型睡眠の質評価手法(知的環境,医療・健康・スポーツのための技術,スマートシティとモバイル通信,技術展時及び一般)
- ウェイクアップ受信機付無線LANシステムに対する隠れ端末の影響(移動通信ワークショップ)
- Chemical Pneumonitis After a Single Exposure to Chlorine-based Household Bleach : a Case Report
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- 関
- arousal、arouse、awake、rouse、wakefulness