- make aware of; "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation"
- be awake, be alert, be there
- a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial; "theres no weeping at an Irish wake" (同)viewing
- the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward; "the motorboats wake capsized the canoe" (同)backwash
- pan with a convex bottom; used for frying in Chinese cooking
- wake の過去
- 『目を覚ます』(awake)《+up》 / 《文》目を覚ましたままでいる,寝ずにいる《+up》 / (…に)気づく,目覚める《+up to+名》 / 〈人〉‘の'『目を覚まさせる』,‘を'起こす(awaken)《+名+up,+up+名》 / 《比喩的に》(…に)…‘を'目覚めさせる,窪づかせる,活発にする《+up+名(+名+up)+to+名》 / (死者のために)通夜をする / 《おもにアイルランド・イギリス北部》通夜
- 物が通った跡,(特に)航跡
- awakeの過去・過去分詞
- wake の過去分詞
- 中華なべ(中国料理で使う丸底の深いなべ)
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English Journal
- Irreversible optic neuritis after infliximab treatment in a patient with ulcerative colitis.
- Clemmensen K1, Akrawi N, Stawowy M.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2015 Dec;50(12):1508-11. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1063155. Epub 2015 Jul 2.
- This article reports the first known case of permanent blindness due to irreversible unilateral optic neuritis (ON) related to infliximab (Remicade) treatment of a patient with ulcerative colitis. A young male, with a family history of inflammatory bowel disease, was diagnosed with ulcerative coliti
- PMID 26133362
- A Young Man With Severe and Disabling Complications of Septic Shock.
- Haas LE1, van der Ploeg RS2, Quak JJ2, Burgmans JP2, Otten M2.
- American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.Am J Crit Care.2015 Sep;24(5):450-2. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2015746.
- A young man had severe septic shock with multiorgan failure due to necrotizing fasciitis caused by group A streptococcus after endoscopic repair of a preperitoneal inguinal hernia. He was treated with surgical exploration and antibiotics and resuscitated with fluids, vasopressors, and inotropic agen
- PMID 26330439
- Feel between the lines: implied emotion in sentence comprehension.
- Lai VT1,2, Willems RM1,3, Hagoort P1,3.
- Journal of cognitive neuroscience.J Cogn Neurosci.2015 Aug;27(8):1528-41. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00798. Epub 2015 Mar 11.
- This study investigated the brain regions for the comprehension of implied emotion in sentences. Participants read negative sentences without negative words, for example, "The boy fell asleep and never woke up again," and their neutral counterparts "The boy stood up and grabbed his bag." This kind o
- PMID 25761002
Japanese Journal
- 対照言語学的観点からみた相対テンスについて : 日本語及びアルタイ諸言語における形動詞を用いた従属節の分析
- 風間 伸次郎
- 北方言語研究 3, 175-199, 2013-03-25
- … [2] When I read/was reading the newspaper, I found a picture of my friend.[3] X is/was sleeping during the lesson, so I woke him/her up.[4] Please bring the piece of paper with your name written on it.In this paper, I would like to maintain the following points:(A)The realization of the relative tense shows asymmetry. …
- NAID 120005228593
- 溝手 宗昭ミゾテ ムネアキMizote Muneaki
- 帝京平成大学紀要 23(1), 91-97, 2012-03-00
- … The facial temperature changed when the student woke up to his persistence in the drama. …
- NAID 120005315009
- ナーナイ語の複文について : 条件形式の使い分けを中心として
- 風間 伸次郎
- 北方言語研究 1, 115-138, 2011-03-25
- … 'After he slept (for a while), he woke up.'-OčIA conditional: ǰoagoočɪanɪ …
- NAID 120002911987
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- Woké. 4,382 likes · 12 talking about this. Follow the Belgian Healthy Fast Food story Good food ∞ Good mood => job.lln@woke.be / job.keyserlei@woke.be... ... Votre site web est en reconstruction et votre num de téléphone ne ré... pond pas ou ne fonctionne plus.
- Woke definition, a simple past tense of wake1 . See more. ... "track left by a moving ship," 1540s, perhaps from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch wake "hole in the ice," from Old Norse vok, vaka "hole in the ice," from Proto ...
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- 関
- arousal、arouse、awake、rouse、wakefulness