- 関
- external genitalia、genitalia、genitalium、vulva、vulvae、vulval
- of or relating to the vulva (同)vulval
- external sex organ (同)genital_organ, genitals, private_parts, privates, crotch
- external parts of the female genitalia
- =genitals
- 陰門,外陰部
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English Journal
- Postoperative Cosmetic Expectations for Patients Considering Labiaplasty Surgery: Our Experience with 550 Patients.
- Miklos JR, Moore RD.SourceDirector of Urogynecology, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Atlanta Urogynecology Associates, Alpharetta, Georgia.
- Surgical technology international.Surg Technol Int.2012 Dec 1;XXI:170-174. [Epub ahead of print]
- Vulvar cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly requested and performed surgical procedure in women. Though there are many beliefs as to the desires of the patient's postoperative expectations, scientific research is lacking. The current paper evaluates patients' preoperative perceptions and pos
- PMID 22504987
- Clinico-pathological and biological prognostic variables in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.
- Gadducci A, Tana R, Barsotti C, Guerrieri ME, Genazzani AR.SourceDepartment of Procreative Medicine, Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Pisa, Italy.
- Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.Crit Rev Oncol Hematol.2012 Jul;83(1):71-83. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
- Several clinical-pathological parameters have been related to survival of patients with invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, whereas few studies have investigated the ability of biological variables to predict the clinical outcome of these patients. The present paper reviews the literature
- PMID 22015047
Japanese Journal
- S状結腸を利用しMonti変法による非失禁型導尿路を作成した尿道浸潤を有する乳房外Paget病の1例
- 計屋 知彰,中西 裕美,浅井 昭宏 [他],鹿子木 桂,木原 敏晴,竹原 浩介,井川 掌,酒井 英樹,黨 和夫,竹下 浩明,三浦 清徳,田中 克己,加島 志郎,松尾 学
- 泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica 61(2), 61-65, 2015-02
- … A 77- year-old woman was treated with excision of vulvar tumor, urethra, vagina, rectum and anus. …
- NAID 120005575174
- Acute Scrotal Ulcers in Typhoid Fever: Case Report and Literature Review
- Choi Hil Yin,Nickless David,Tee Wennie,Tong En'en,Aboltins Craig A.
- Tropical Medicine and Health 43(1), 69-73, 2015
- Background. In developed countries, typhoid fever is a travel-associated disease that is often overlooked. However, as standard blood and stool culture methods have relatively low sensitivity, diagnos …
- NAID 130004940187
- 宮川 卓也,門野 岳史,三枝 良輔,記村 貴之,山田 大資,増井 友里,佐藤 伸一,山田 雄太,井川 靖彦,本間 之夫
- Skin Cancer 29(2), 171-175, 2015
- 66歳,女性。初診の1ヵ月前,外陰部に紅色腫瘤を自覚した。生検の結果,不整形で大小不同な短紡錘形の核を持ったN/C比の高い細胞が増殖しており,免疫染色にてHMB45陽性,Melan-A陽性,S100一部陽性であり,悪性黒色腫と診断した。CT,PETで転移はみられず,切除およびセンチネルリンパ節生検を施行した。切除断端が陽性であり,その後腫瘍の完全切除までにさらに2回の手術を要した。無色素性悪性黒色 …
- NAID 130004836581
Related Links
- Vulvar cancer is a rare type of cancer. It forms in a woman's external genitals, called the vulva. The cancer usually grows slowly over several years. First, precancerous cells grow on vulvar skin. This is called vulvar ...
- Define vulvar. vulvar synonyms, vulvar pronunciation, vulvar translation, English dictionary definition of vulvar. n. pl. vul·vas also vul·vae The external genitals of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule ...
Related Pictures

- 関
- accessory sex organ、external genitalia、genital、genital organ、genital tract、genitalia、reproductive organ、sexual organ、vulva、vulvae、vulval、vulvar
- 関
- external genital、external genitalia、genitalia、genitalium、pudendal、vulva、vulval、vulvar
- 関
- external genitalia、genitalia、genitalium、vulva、vulvae、vulvar
- 関
- vulval injury
- 関
- vulval abscess
- 関
- vulval edema