- relating to or affecting the viscera; "visceral bleeding"; "a splanchnic nerve" (同)splanchnic
- internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity); "`viscera is the plural form of `viscus" (同)entrails, innards
- the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest
- 内臓の,腸の / 《米》本能的な,感情的な
- 内臓 / 《話》腸
- ろく膜,胸膜
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/01 09:24:13」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Pulmonary pleura |
A transverse section of the thorax, showing the contents of the middle and the posterior mediastinum. The pleural and pericardial cavities are exaggerated since normally there is no space between parietal and visceral pleura and between pericardium and heart. |
Latin |
pleura visceralis, pleura pulmonalis |
Gray's |
subject #238 1087 |
Nerve |
pulmonary plexus |
Code |
TH H3. |
Each lung is invested by an exceedingly delicate serous membrane, the pleura, which is arranged in the form of a closed invaginated sac. A portion of the serous membrane covers the surface of the lung and dips into the fissures between its lobes; it is called the pulmonary pleura (or visceral pleura). The visceral pleura is derived from mesoderm.
The visceral pleura is attached directly to the lungs, as opposed to the parietal pleura, which is attached to the opposing thoracic cavity. The space between these two delicate membranes is known as the intrapleural space (pleural cavity). Contraction of the diaphragm causes a negative pressure within this space and forces the lungs to expand, resulting in passive exhalation and active inhalation. This process can be made forceful through the contraction of the external intercostal muscles, forcing the rib cage to expand and aiding to the negative pressure within the intrapleural space, which causes the lungs to fill with air.
External links[edit]
- 74121277 at GPnotebook
- thoraxlesson2 at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University)
- Atlas of anatomy at UMich lung_lymph - "Transverse section through lung"
- Histology at OU 14_15 - "Lung"
- MedEd at Loyola Grossanatomy/thorax0/thor_lec/thor6.html
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Anatomy, Respiratory system: Thoracic cavity (TA A07, TH H3.05.03, GA 11.1087)
Pleurae |
Parietal pleura (Cervical, Costal, Mediastinal, Diaphragmatic) · Visceral pleura · Pulmonary ligament · recesses (Costomediastinal, Costodiaphragmatic) · Pleural cavity
Suprapleural membrane
Mediastinum |
Superior · Anterior · Middle · Posterior
General |
Thoracic wall
anat (n, x, l, c)/phys/devp
noco (c, p)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (R1/2/3/5/6/7)
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English Journal
- State-of-the-Art Imaging of the Lung for Connective Tissue Disease (CTD).
- Ohno Y1,2, Koyama H3, Yoshikawa T4,5, Seki S3.
- Current rheumatology reports.Curr Rheumatol Rep.2015 Dec;17(12):69. doi: 10.1007/s11926-015-0546-8.
- Involvement of the respiratory system is common in connective tissue diseases (CTDs), and the resultant lung injury can affect every part of the lung: the pleura, alveoli, interstitium, vasculature, lymphatic tissue, and large and/or small airways. Most of the parenchymal manifestations of CTD are s
- PMID 26483318
- Elastin Cables Define the Axial Connective Tissue System in the Murine Lung.
- Wagner W1, Bennett RD2, Ackermann M1, Ysasi AB2, Belle J2, Valenzuela CD2, Pabst A1, Tsuda A3, Konerding MA1, Mentzer SJ2.
- Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007).Anat Rec (Hoboken).2015 Nov;298(11):1960-8. doi: 10.1002/ar.23259. Epub 2015 Sep 8.
- The axial connective tissue system is a fiber continuum of the lung that maintains alveolar surface area during changes in lung volume. Although the molecular anatomy of the axial system remains undefined, the fiber continuum of the lung is central to contemporary models of lung micromechanics and a
- PMID 26285785
- Pleural fat-forming variant of solitary fibrous tumor.
- Hui CL1, Asmat A1, Ali Akbar F1, Rajapaksha K1, Chau CY2, Ahmed AD3.
- Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals.Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann.2015 Nov;23(9):1103-5. doi: 10.1177/0218492315586484. Epub 2015 Jun 1.
- The fat-forming variant of solitary fibrous tumor is rare. It occurs predominantly in the deep soft tissues of the retroperitoneum and thigh. We describe a case of fat-forming solitary fibrous tumor arising from the pleura, which was successfully treated using a video-assisted thoracoscopic approach
- PMID 26038603
Japanese Journal
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- 小柳津 毅,井上 尚,荒木 修,千田 雅之
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(5), 1218-1222, 2014
- 症例は,64歳男性.咳嗽を主訴として当院に紹介された.胸部X線写真で右肺門陰影の拡大があり,胸部CTで右肺門部に長径2.7cmの境界明瞭な腫瘤病変を認めた.気管支鏡検査で可視範囲に異常所見を認めず,右肺上葉分岐部の超音波気管支鏡ガイド下針生検で大細胞癌または腺癌と診断された.FDG-PETでは右肺門部にのみ集積を認める他に異常集積はなく,原発性肺癌(cT0N1M0),または,原発不明癌肺門リンパ節 …
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- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 28(7), 937-944, 2014
- 症例は17歳女性.主訴は喀血.子宮内膜掻把術の既往があり,この6ヵ月後より月経の時期のみに喀血を繰り返し来院.CT上右肺下葉S9主体の浸潤影をみとめ,気管支鏡検査でも右B9末梢からの出血が疑われ,同部の肺子宮内膜症が疑われた.偽閉経療法で喀血は軽快したが,今後の学業復帰や就業,ホルモン剤離脱希望の為,病巣の切除による根治を目的に手術を施行した.右下葉背側周囲に褐色調の胸膜変化,軽度の炎症性癒着をみ …
- NAID 130004705874
- 横須賀 哲哉,小林 利子
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 28(7), 838-841, 2014
- 我々はドレーン出血量によらず,特発性血気胸と診断または疑ったら可及的早期の胸腔鏡下手術(video assisted thoracic surgery:VATS)を行う方針としてきた.この方針で治療を行った13例を検討した.初診後5時間以内(2~5時間,平均2.5時間)にVATSを施行した.全例で胸腔最上部の断裂した索状物に出血源を同定し止血可能であった.術前のドレーン出血量は50~1850 ml …
- NAID 130004705857
Related Links
- Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. visceral pleura - pleura that covers the lungs pleura - the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest Translations
- vis·cer·al pleur·a [TA] the serous membrane investing the lungs and dipping into the fissures between the lobes of the lungs. Synonym(s): pleura visceralis [TA], pleura pulmonalis , pulmonary pleura visceral pleura See pulmonary ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- pulmonary pleura (Z)
- 同
- 臓側胸膜, visceral pleura
- 英
- visceral pleura (Z)
- 関
- 胸膜
- 関
- splanchnic、viscera、viscus
- 関
- (adj.)visceral
- 関
- splanchnic、visceral、viscus