- used up; "time is up"
- raise; "up the ante"
- extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish" (同)upward
- to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward" (同)upwards, upward
- spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile" (同)upwards, upward, upwardly
- (used of computers) operating properly; "how soon will the computers be up?"
- (usually followed by `on or `for'
- being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"
- nearer to the speaker; "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"
- open; "the windows are up"
- to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"
- to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"
- look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement" (同)stare
- a long fixed look; "he fixed his paternal gaze on me" (同)regard
- a condition marked by uncontrollable tremor
- affect with palsy
- become friends; act friendly towards (同)pal up, chum up
- (chiefly British) of or appropriate to the upper classes especially in language use
- 《上への動作》『上へ』,上のほうへ / 《上の位置》『上に』,上のほうで / 『起こして』,立てて,直立して / (地図・紙面などの)『上へ(に)』,北のほうへ(に) / (遠くから)『近くへ,中心へ』;(周辺から)中心へ;(川下から)川上へ;(地方から)都会へ / (大きさ・量・価値・地位などが)『上のほうへ』,高く / (話者,話題の場所へ)『近づいて』,追いついて / 『活動して』,活動状態に / (物事・人が)現れて・起こって / 『すっかり』,完全に,終わって,…し尽くして / 保管(貯蔵)して;くるんだ(閉ざした)状態に / 《動詞を省略した命令文で》 / (野球・クリケットで)打席へ / (競技で)勝ち越して / (対抗の競技で)おのおの / 《移動・位置》『…の高いほうへ』,をのぼって;…の上のほうに / (川の)『上流へ』;(流れ・風)に逆らって;…の内陸(奥地)のほうへ / (自分が今いる所,またはある地点から前方へ)『…に沿って』 / 『上へ向かう』,(列車などが)上りの;上り坂の,(情勢などが)上向きの / 上り,上昇,上り坂 / 上昇気運,向上,幸運 / 上りの列車(バス・エレボーターなど) / 値上がり / …‘を'持ち上げる / …‘を'増大する,〈賃金・物価など〉‘を'引き上げる / 〈人〉‘を'昇進させる / 立ち上がる,起き上がる / 《and を伴って》急に(突然)…する
- (…を)『じっと見つめる』,凝視する《+『at』(『into,on,upon』)+『名』》 / 『じっと見詰めること』,凝視
- 麻痺(まひ),中風 / …‘を'麻痺させる(paralyze)
- 《話》『友達』,仲間,親友 / (…と)仲よくなる《[『up』]『with』+『名』》
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- 1. 小児における核上性注視異常supranuclear disorders of gaze in children [show details]
… A gaze palsy that is caused by a lesion in the brainstem gaze center is called a nuclear gaze palsy, whereas one caused by a lesion in the cortical gaze center is called a supranuclear gaze palsy. The …
- 2. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
…called a supranuclear gaze palsy. An internuclear ophthalmoplegia or INO is produced by a lesion in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). This pathway connects the sixth nerve nucleus on one side up to …
- 3. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症およびその他の運動ニューロン疾患の臨床的特徴clinical features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other forms of motor neuron disease [show details]
…upper motor neuron signs were present on initial evaluation in 29 . Over a mean 8.7 years of follow-up, pure upper motor neuron signs were retained in 16 patients who were classified as clinically pure …
- 4. 進行性核上性麻痺(PSP):臨床的特徴および診断progressive supranuclear palsy psp clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…by a supranuclear vertical gaze palsy, and cognitive dysfunction . Axial rigidity is more prominent than appendicular rigidity and retrocollis is often present. It makes up about 24 percent of PSP cases …
- 5. 進行性核上性麻痺(PSP):マネージメントおよび予後progressive supranuclear palsy psp management and prognosis [show details]
… many experts suggest treating with levodopa 1000 mg to 1200 mg per day (up to 300 mg per dose) if tolerated for at least one month .… Characteristic features of PSP include vertical supranuclear gaze palsy and postural instability with unexplained falls.…
English Journal
- A Case of Whipple's Disease: A Very Rare Cause for Rapidly Progressive Dementia.
- Chandra SR, Raj P, Pai AR, Reddy N.
- Indian journal of psychological medicine. ;40(3)280-283.
- Whipple's disease (WD) is a very rare systemic disease caused by the gram-positive bacillus Tropherymawhippleii 1st described in the year 1907. It is a disease with multisystem involvement and high degree of suspicion is needed for diagnosis. However the classical (OMM)oculomasticatory (OFMM)oculofa
- PMID 29875539
- Novel Eye Movement Disorders in Whipple's Disease-Staircase Horizontal Saccades, Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus, and Esotropia.
- Shaikh AG, Ghasia FF.
- Frontiers in neurology. 2017 ;8()321.
- Whipple's disease, a rare systemic infectious disorder, is complicated by the involvement of the central nervous system in about 5% of cases. Oscillations of the eyes and the jaw, called oculo-masticatory myorhythmia, are pathognomonic of the central nervous system involvement but are often absent.
- PMID 28744253
- PMID 20301363
Related Links
- In thyroid eye disease, bilateral inferior recti involvement can mimic up gaze palsy. In MG, any ocular muscle can be affected, coincidentally leading to a VGP bilaterally. Both types of diseases, however, do not tend to be perfectly ...
- Nagao S, Yokota O, Nanba R, et al. Progressive supranuclear palsy presenting as primary lateral sclerosis but lacking parkinsonism, gaze palsy, aphasia, or dementia. J Neurol Sci 2012; 323:147. Graber JJ, Staudinger R
- Progressive supranuclear palsy is characterized by decreased cognition, abnormal eye movements (supranuclear vertical gaze palsy), postural instability and falls, as well as parkinsonian features and speech disturbances 1-3.
Related Pictures

- 英
- up-gaze palsy, vertical gaze palsy
- 同
- 上下注視麻痺
- 関
- 注視麻痺、パリノー症候群
- 麻痺、運動麻痺
- 関
- cauterize、numb、paralysis、paralyze、paresis、plegia、Todd's paralysis
- 関
- staring