- 最終的に、結局、最後に(finally)。根本的には。(文修飾)大事なことだが
- 関
- definitive、eventual、eventually、final、finally、ultimate
- as the end result of a succession or process; "ultimately he had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over" (同)finally, in the end, at_last, at long last
- conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result" (同)last, net
- the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament
- not to be altered or undone; "the judges decision is final"; "the arbiter will have the last say" (同)last
- clearly defined or formulated; "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws"- R.B.Taney (同)unequivocal
- supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement; "a definitive verdict"; "a determinate answer to the problem" (同)determinate
- expected to follow in the indefinite future from causes already operating; "hope of eventual (or ultimate) rescue"; "if this trend continues it is not reasonable to expect the eventual collapse of the stock market"
- after an unspecified period of time or an especially long delay (同)eventually
- furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme; "the ultimate achievement"; "the ultimate question"; "mans ultimate destiny"; "the ultimate insult"; "ones ultimate goal in life"
- the finest or most superior quality of its kind; "the ultimate in luxury"
- being the last or concluding element of a series; "the ultimate sonata of that opus"; "a distinction between the verb and noun senses of `conflict is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last) syllable"
- 最後に,ついに
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『最終の』,最後の / 『最終的な』,決定的な(decisive);究極の(ultimate) / 《しばしば複数形で》(競技などの)『決勝戦』 / 《米》学期末試験;《英》《複数形で》(大学などの)最終試験 / 《the ~》《話》(新聞のその日の)最終版
- 決定的な,最終的な(final)
- 『結果として起こる』
- 『最後に』(at the end) / 最終的に,決定的に(decisively) / ついに,とうとう(at last)
- 『最後の』,最後の,究極の / 『最大限の』,極限の / 根本的な / 最も遠い / 最終(究極,最高)のもの
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English Journal
- An uncovered XIII century icon: Particular use of organic pigments and gilding techniques highlighted by analytical methods.
- Daveri A1, Doherty B2, Moretti P3, Grazia C3, Romani A4, Fiorin E5, Brunetti BG6, Vagnini M1.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2015 Jan 25;135:398-404. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.07.036. Epub 2014 Jul 27.
- The restoration of a panel painting depicting a Madonna and Child listed as an unknown Tuscan artist of the nineteenth century, permitted the hidden original version, a XIII century Medieval icon to be uncovered. It is discovery provided the opportunity for an extensive in situ campaign of non-invas
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- Advantages and challenges of microfluidic cell culture in polydimethylsiloxane devices.
- Halldorsson S1, Lucumi E2, Gómez-Sjöberg R3, Fleming RM4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2015 Jan 15;63C:218-231. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.07.029. Epub 2014 Jul 19.
- Culture of cells using various microfluidic devices is becoming more common within experimental cell biology. At the same time, a technological radiation of microfluidic cell culture device designs is currently in progress. Ultimately, the utility of microfluidic cell culture will be determined by i
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- Overcoming the aggregation problem: A new type of fluorescent ligand for ConA-based glucose sensing.
- Cummins BM1, Li M2, Locke AK3, Birch DJ4, Vigh G2, Coté GL3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2015 Jan 15;63:53-60. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.07.015. Epub 2014 Jul 11.
- Competitive binding assays based on the lectin Concanavalin A (ConA) have displayed significant potential to serve in continuous glucose monitoring applications. However, to date, this type of fluorescent, affinity-based assay has yet to show the stable, glucose predictive capabilities that are requ
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- CXCR4/CXCR7 Molecular Involvement in Neuronal and Neural Progenitor Migration: Focus in CNS Repair.
- Merino JJ1, Bellver-Landete V, Oset-Gasque MJ, Cubelos B.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2015 Jan;230(1):27-42. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24695.
- In the adult brain, neural progenitor cells (NPCs) reside in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles, the dentate gyrus and the olfactory bulb. Following CNS insult, NPCs from the SVZ can migrate along the rostral migratory stream (RMS), a migration of NPCs that is directed by proinf
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Japanese Journal
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- 歴史と経済 56(2), 1-14, 2014-01-30
- … Many villagers ultimately became emigrants to Manchuria as a result of this policy. …
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- 乳幼児を育児している「母親の心の健康チェックシート」
- 清水 嘉子
- 母性衛生 54(4), 580-587, 2014-01
- 本研究では,母親の心理的な健康状態を知るために「母親の心の健康チェックシート」を作成した。平成20年8〜9月に,東京近郊にある人口3〜5万規模の中核都市であるA,B市在住の6歳以下の乳幼児の母親1,000名に対する,育児ストレス尺度,育児幸福感尺度の計74項目によって構成される質問紙調査を行った。回収された675名のデータの分析を行った。尺度項目に対する評価基準は,あてはまらない〜あてはまるに対す …
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- 美學 64(2), 49-60, 2013-12-31
- … Ultimately, it will shed light on the ways in which modern Japanese scholars attempted to situate art historical studies within the "disinterested" academic realm of human science through the rational systemization of artifacts, historical accuracy, and empirical values. …
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- Ability of the Met kinase inhibitor crizotinib and new generation EGFR inhibitors to overcome resistance to EGFR inhibitors
- Nanjo Shigeki,Yamada Tadaaki,Nishihara Hiroshi,Takeuchi Shinji,Sano Takako,Nakagawa Takayuki,Ishikawa Daisuke,Zhao Lu,Ebi Hiromichi,Yasumoto Kazuo,Matsumoto Kunio,Yano Seiji
- PLoS ONE 8(12), 84700, 2013-12-26
- … Purpose: Although EGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKI) have shown dramatic effects against EGFR mutant lung cancer, patients ultimately develop resistance by multiple mechanisms. …
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- (回答・条約・評決など)決定的な、最終的な(final)
- 完成した、最も信頼できる。極めつきの、典型的な
- (生)(器官など)完全に発達した形態の
- 概念を明確に限定する、定義的な。限定的な、明確な
- 関
- conclusive、conclusively、critical、crucial、crucially、decide、decision、decisive、definitively、determine、eventual、eventually、final、finally、ultimately
- 関
- conclusive、conclusively、critical、crucial、crucially、decisive、definitive、definitively、eventual、eventually、finally、ultimately
- 関
- accidental、accidentally、definitive、eventually、final、finally、incident、incidental、incidentally、ultimate、ultimately
- 関
- after all、at last、definitive、eventual、eventually、final、last、lastly、terminally、ultimately
- 英
- 関
- 究極的、偶発的、結局、決定的、最後、ついに、最終、確定
- 関
- eventual、eventually、ultimately