- 関
- traumatic cerebral hemorrhage
- kill by smashing someones skull
- mental ability; "hes got plenty of brains but no common sense" (同)brainpower, learning_ability, mental capacity, mentality, wit
- that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord (同)encephalon
- the brain of certain animals used as meat
- hit on the head
- psychologically painful;"few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child";
- of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body
- 『脳』,脳髄 / 《しばしば複数形で》『頭脳』,『知力』 / 《話》秀才,知的指導者 / …‘の'頭を打ち砕く
- 外傷性の;精神的損傷の
- 出血,(特に)大量出血 / 多量に出血する
- =brassiere, brassiere
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English Journal
- Manifestations of the hyperadrenergic state after acute brain injury.
- Hinson HE, Sheth KN.SourceaDepartment of Neurology and Neurocritical Care, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon bDepartments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Shock, Trauma, and Anesthesiology Research Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Current opinion in critical care.Curr Opin Crit Care.2012 Apr;18(2):139-45.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Hyperadrenergic activity leading to autonomic dysfunction after acute brain injury is an underrecognized, yet important source of complications following a variety of neurologic injuries. Autonomic dysfunction may prolong ICU stay and increase healthcare costs driven by extensive
- PMID 22322258
- Diffuse vascular injury: convergent-type hemorrhage in the supratentorial white matter on susceptibility-weighted image in cases of severe traumatic brain damage.
- Iwamura A, Taoka T, Fukusumi A, Sakamoto M, Miyasaka T, Ochi T, Akashi T, Okuchi K, Kichikawa K.SourceDepartment of Radiology, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara, 634-8522, Japan, asami20050512@yahoo.co.jp.
- Neuroradiology.Neuroradiology.2012 Apr;54(4):335-43. Epub 2011 May 25.
- INTRODUCTION: Susceptibility-weighted image (SWI) is one of the most sensitive methods for detect microbleeding and useful for evaluation of traumatic brain damage. The purpose of this study is to delineate the characteristics and importance of supratentorial deep white matter hemorrhages detected b
- PMID 21611726
Japanese Journal
- 精神運動発達障害と頭蓋骨変形を伴う内視鏡下鼻内副鼻腔手術例
- 中村 陽祐,竹内 裕美,福島 慶,森實 理恵,北野 博也
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 108(5), 353-358, 2015
- … We present a case of navigation-guided ESS in a patient of chronic rhinosinusitis with severe skull deformation and motor and intellectual disabilities.The patient was a 20-year-old man who had undergone brain surgery for traumatic intracranial hemorrhage at the age of 10 months. …
- NAID 130005067358
- 受傷後に急速なびまん性脳腫脹を認め転帰が悪化した小児重症頭部外傷の一例
- 藤山 雄一,末廣 栄一,貞廣 浩和,米田 浩,小泉 博靖,野村 貞宏,鈴木 倫保
- 日本神経救急学会雑誌 26(2), 46-50, 2014
- … MRI examination, T2*, revealed a dot hemorrhage in splenium of corpus callosum, and diffuse axonal injury was suspected. … Brain hypothermia therapy (35˚C, 6 days) was performed with ICP control, below 20 mmHg.Finally he was transferred with vegetative state. …
- NAID 130005068799
- The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51(12), 771-793, 2014
- 概説:高次脳機能障害の定義—病巣と症候の整理—…石合 純夫 771脳出血による高次脳機能障害…前島伸一郎,岡本さやか,岡崎 英人,園田 茂 774脳梗塞による高次脳機能障害とその対応…平岡 崇 778くも膜下出血による高次脳機能障害…大沢 愛子 782脳炎・脳症による高次脳機能障害…岡﨑 哲也 787頭部外傷による高次脳機能障害…渡邉 修 790
- NAID 130004949431
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- 英
- traumatic cerebral hemorrhage、traumatic brain hemorrhage
- 関
- 外傷性大脳出血
- 関
- traumatic brain hemorrhage
- 関
- affective、damaged、injurious、injury、trauma、traumatic injury
- 関
- bleeding