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English Journal
- Effect of oversizing and elliptical shape of aortic annulus on transcatheter valve hemodynamics: An in vitro study.
- Salaun E1, Zenses AS2, Evin M2, Collart F3, Habib G1, Pibarot P4, Rieu R5.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2016 Apr 1;208:28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.01.048. Epub 2016 Jan 8.
- BACKGROUND: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is often performed in patients with non-circular aortic annulus and in oversizing (OS) conditions. The impact of elliptical annulus shape and the consequences of oversizing/underdeployment on the hemodynamic performance are still debated.OBJ
- PMID 26826627
- Vascular access complications in endovascular procedures with large sheaths.
- Lejay A1, Caspar T, Ohana M, Delay C, Girsowicz E, Ohlmann P, Thaveau F, Geny B, Georg Y, Chakfe N.
- The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).2016 Apr;57(2):311-21. Epub 2015 Nov 23.
- Endovascular procedures, such as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR), and endovascular abdominal aortic repair (EVAR) have been established as promising less invasive therapeutic options. However, despite continuous advances and device improvem
- PMID 26603161
- Current topics in surgery for multiple ventricular septal defects.
- Yoshimura N1, Fukahara K2, Yamashita A2, Doki Y2, Takeuchi K2, Higuma T2, Senda K2, Toge M2, Matsuo T2, Nagura S2, Aoki M2, Sakata K2, Sakai M2.
- Surgery today.Surg Today.2016 Apr;46(4):393-7. doi: 10.1007/s00595-015-1180-9. Epub 2015 May 3.
- In this review article, we describe several topics, including the sandwich technique, the transatrial re-endocardialization technique, the limited apical left ventriculotomy approach and device closure. The sandwich technique was introduced for the closure of muscular ventricular septal defects (VSD
- PMID 25935205
Japanese Journal
- IMAGES IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE : Valsalva Sinus Perforation Into the Right Atrium Due to Infective Endocarditis of Transcatheter Heart Valve
- Naganuma Toru,Takagi Kensuke,Fujino Yusuke [他]
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 79(5), 1133-1135, 2015-05
- NAID 40020437217
- Cardiovascular Intervention : New Self-Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Valve Device for Transfemoral Implantation : Early Results of the First-in-Asia Implantation of the ACURATE Neo/TF System
- Maeda Koichi,Kuratani Toru,Torikai Kei [他]
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 79(5), 1037-1043, 2015-05
- NAID 40020437072
- 肝細胞癌に対する加温ミリプラチンとゼラチンスポンジによる経カテーテル的化学塞栓療法の治療成績
- 平嶋 昇,岩瀬 弘明,島田 昌明 [他]
- 医療 = Japanese journal of National Medical Services : 国立医療学会誌 69(4), 181-186, 2015-04
- NAID 40020457059
Related Links
- Transcatheter Technologies GmbH is an emerging medical device company specializing in catheter-based heart valve implantation and aortic therapy.
- Transcatheter Endocardiovascular Intervention Conference. 565 likes · 3 talking about this. iTREND Website http://itrendinfo.org/ ... St. Jude’s New Trifecta GT Aortic Surgical Valve With New Deployment Technology APRIL 8TH, 2016 ...
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- 肝細胞癌
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- TA(C)EはOkuda分類I、II、Child A、Bの進行肝細胞癌(手術不能で、かつ経皮的凝固療法の対象とならないもの)に対する治療として推奨される。
- 化学塞栓される非癌部肝容積の非癌部全肝容積に占める割合と残肝予備能を考慮したTACEが推奨される。
- 高ビリルビン血症のない肝細胞癌破裂症例の治療には救急TA(C)Eは有効な治療法である。
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- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0018/0018_ContentsTop.html