- lick or explore with the tongue
- any long thin projection that is transient; "tongues of flame licked at the walls"; "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark" (同)knife
- the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot
- a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity (同)lingua, glossa, clapper
- a manner of speaking; "he spoke with a thick tongue"; "she has a glib tongue"
- the tongue of certain animals used as meat
- articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments
- the act of wiggling (同)wriggle, squirm
- provided with or resembling a tongue; often used in combination; "tongued shoes"; "tongued boards"; "toungued lightning"; "long-tongued"
- having a manner of speaking as specified; often used in combination; "golden-tongued"; "sharp-tongued"
- 〈C〉『舌』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(食用の牛などの)舌,タン / 〈C〉『言葉』,言語(language) / 〈C〉『言葉遣い』,言い回し / 〈C〉話す能力 / 〈C〉(形・位置・働きが)舌に似たもの / 〈C〉細長い岬 / 〈C〉(靴の)舌革,べろ
- 〈体・手足・尾など〉‘を'小刻みに揺する(動かす) / 小刻みに揺れ動く / 小刻みに揺れ動くこと
- 在米中国人の友愛団体
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English Journal
- [A case of neuro-Behçet's disease presenting as chronic progressive cerebellar ataxia].
- Yamasaki T1, Taniwaki T, Arakawa K, Yamada T, Kira J.
- Rinshō shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology.Rinsho Shinkeigaku.2000 Mar;40(3):233-6.
- A case of neuro-Behçet's disease manifested as chronic progressive cerebellar ataxia is reported. A 56-year-old woman had suffered from recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers and polyarthritis since her late twenties. At age 53, she noticed small stepped-gait; at age 55, she developed scann
- PMID 10885333
Related Links
- Tongue Wiggle :舌を左右へ動かす。 起立・歩行障害の診かた 平衡障害 は歩行の不安定性と起立位維持の障害、すなわち起立時障害にてみられる 。 1、起立位維持 【テスト法】 a,Romberg test 両足を揃えてつま先を閉じて立た ...
- D.tongue wiggle 舌を突き出させ、左右に動かすよう指示する(上手くできない場合前後の出し入れをおこなわせる)。 5.運動分解の試験 A.示指-耳朶試験 片側上肢を水平挙上させ、同側の耳朶を真っ直ぐ指すよう指示する(指先が三角形 ...
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- 英
- adiadochocinesis, adiadochokinesia
- 同
- 運動変換困難症 dysdiadochocinesis、変換運動障害 difficulty of diadochocinesis、アジアドコキネーシス adiadochokinesis
- 関
- 錐体外路徴候、錐体路徴候、小脳、反復拮抗運動不能
- BET.150
- 手腕関節における手掌の回内・回外運動を正確に迅速に行うことが困難
- 体の一部分や一肢の円滑、迅速な交代運動の障害
- いずれか
- 1. 小脳障害
- 2. 錐体路、錐体外路症候のある場合
- 3. 関節の可動性制限のあるとき