- metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side (同)tongue
- someone who applauds (同)applauder
- photographic equipment used to synchronize sound and motion picture; boards held in front of a movie camera are banged together
- claw with the nails
- たたく人(物),拍手する人 / (鐘・ベルの)舌,(おしゃべりな人の)舌
- かちんこ(映画の撮影で一つの場面の撮影ごとにカメラの前で開始の指示をする板)
- 拍子木
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/06 10:07:07」(JST)
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Look up clapper in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Clapper or Clappers may refer to:
- Part of a bell
- Clapper bridge
- The Clapper, a sound activated electrical switch
- A character from the video game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
- Clapperboard, used in film production to aid synchronizing audio and video and to identify different shots
- Clapper (musical instrument), consisting of two pieces of wood struck together
- James R. Clapper, the current Director of National Intelligence of the United States
- Clapper v. Amnesty International USA, a United States Supreme Court case
- Clappers, Scotland, a small village in Scottish Borders, Scotland
- Clappers (record label), a New York-based reggae label
- Clappers (song), a song by Wale
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English Journal
- Feeding fat from distillers dried grains with solubles to dairy heifers: II. Effects on metabolic profile.
- Anderson JL1, Kalscheur KF2, Clapper JA3, Perry GA3, Keisler DH4, Garcia AD2, Schingoethe DJ2.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.2015 Aug;98(8):5709-19. doi: 10.3168/jds.2014-9163.
- The objective of this study was to determine if increased dietary fat from dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in diets of growing heifers affected metabolic profile, plasma fatty acid profile, and reproductive maturation. Thirty-three Holstein heifers (133±18 d of age) were used in a 24-w
- PMID 26074235
- Regional Nodal Irradiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer.
- Whelan TJ, Olivotto IA, Parulekar WR, Ackerman I, Chua BH, Nabid A, Vallis KA, White JR, Rousseau P, Fortin A, Pierce LJ, Manchul L, Chafe S, Nolan MC, Craighead P, Bowen J, McCready DR, Pritchard KI, Gelmon K, Murray Y, Chapman JA, Chen BE, Levine MN; MA.20 Study Investigators.
- The New England journal of medicine.N Engl J Med.2015 Jul 23;373(4):307-16. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1415340.
- BACKGROUND: Most women with breast cancer who undergo breast-conserving surgery receive whole-breast irradiation. We examined whether the addition of regional nodal irradiation to whole-breast irradiation improved outcomes.METHODS: We randomly assigned women with node-positive or high-risk node-nega
- PMID 26200977
- Testicular Ischemia Due to a Band Around the Spermatic Cord.
- Artul S1, Fahoum B2, Nseir W3, Habib G4.
- Journal of clinical imaging science.J Clin Imaging Sci.2015 Jun 29;5:36. doi: 10.4103/2156-7514.157856. eCollection 2015.
- We present a case of an 18-year-old boy who was admitted to our hospital with a 2-day history of pain in the right scrotum. Ultrasound examination showed signs of ischemia, with dampened testicular arterial flow and bell-clapper deformity. Surgery revealed a constricting fibrous band around the dist
- PMID 26180659
- MMP-13 In-Vivo Molecular Imaging Reveals Early Expression in Lung Adenocarcinoma.
- Salaün M1, Peng J2, Hensley HH3, Roder N2, Flieder DB4, Houlle-Crépin S5, Abramovici-Roels O5, Sabourin JC5, Thiberville L6, Clapper ML2.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2015 Jul 20;10(7):e0132960. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132960. eCollection 2015.
- INTRODUCTION: Several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are overexpressed in lung cancer and may serve as potential targets for the development of bioactivable probes for molecular imaging.OBJECTIVE: To characterize and monitor the activity of MMPs during the progression of lung adenocarcinoma.METHOD
- PMID 26193700
Japanese Journal
- トゥトアンクアメン王墓出土のクラッパーに関する一考察
- 野中 亜紀
- 貿易風 : 中部大学国際関係学部論集 : Chubu international review (14), 21-35, 2019-04
- … The author carefully examines other finds which also bear the name of Meritaten and identifies that the mr sign of her name on the clapper is different from the others. … It probably indicates that her name was later added on the clapper when she reused it and the addition was also to legitimise the status of Meritaten as "Great Royal Wife" like its original owner, Tiye, in the religious confusion after the reforms by Akhenaten, the heretic king. …
- NAID 120006652488
- 田崎 和江,竹原 照明,橋田 由美子,橋田 省三,中村 圭一,横山 明彦,青木 小波,田崎 史江
- 地球科学 71(3), 97-113, 2017
- 黒柿はカキノキ科の一つであり,幹・枝・根の断面に黒色の部分があり,心材や辺材には縞が美しい孔雀の羽根のような模様(孔雀杢 くじゃくもく)がある.孔雀杢は何百年と樹齢を重ね,かつ,様々な条件を満たした柿の木だけが黒と白の美しい模様を持つようになった希少な銘木である.材質が竪硬で粘りもあり,細かい細工をする指物に適しており和家具,茶道具などが金沢伝統工芸品となっている.しかし,江戸時代に加賀藩が黒柿の …
- NAID 130006308959
- The effect of external vibrations on the characteristics of the clapper relay
- Ren Wanbin,Kang Yunzhi,Chen Yinghua
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EMD, 機構デバイス 108(296), 13-16, 2008-11-08
- … By using this system, the relationship between vibration frequency and limit vibration acceleration, which caused normally closed contact of some clapper relay broke is observed. …
- NAID 110007100690
Related Links
- アメリカ村 CLAPPER / アメリカ村 DROP / 心斎橋SUNHALL アメリカ村 FANJ twice / 心斎橋HOKAGE ※5会場を自由に行来出来る サーキットイベントです。 OPEN/10:30 START/11:00 前売¥4,000-(1D別) 当日¥未定 ※リストバンド交換 ...
- Clapper(クラッパー) 〒649-7122 和歌山県伊都郡かつらぎ町新田4-1 TEL:0736-22-5553 店舗運営責任者:山中一晃 店舗連絡先: clapper@friend.ocn.ne.jp 営業時間について ネットでの注文は24時間受け付けております! 店舗へのお ...
- 楽天市場:Clapperのカテゴリー > clap一覧。スポーツ用品 ランニング サッカー フットサル ベースボール バスケットボール バレーボール フィットネス ヨガ プーマ ジャージ 上下 メンズ レディース キッズ 上下セット 送料無料 PUMA ...
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