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English Journal
- 'Poking' microtubules bring about nuclear wriggling to position nuclei.
- Szikora S, Gaspar I, Szabad J.SourceDepartment of Biology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary.
- Journal of cell science.J Cell Sci.2013 Jan 1;126(Pt 1):254-62. doi: 10.1242/jcs.114355. Epub 2012 Oct 17.
- Nuclei wriggle in the cells of the follicle epithelium of the Drosophila pre-vitellogenic egg primordia. Although similar phenomena have been reported for a number of cultured cell types and some neurons in the zebrafish embryo, the mechanism and importance of the process have remained unexplained.
- PMID 23077179
- Textiles wastewater treatment using anoxic filter bed and biological wriggle bed-ozone biological aerated filter.
- Fu Z, Zhang Y, Wang X.SourceGuangdong Esquel Textile Co., Ltd., 528500 FoShan, Guangdong Province, PR China.
- Bioresource technology.Bioresour Technol.2011 Feb;102(4):3748-53. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.12.002. Epub 2010 Dec 5.
- In this study, the performance of the anoxic filter bed and biological wriggle bed-ozone biological aerated filter (AFB-BWB-O(3)-BAF) process treating real textile dyeing wastewater was investigated. After more than 2 month process operation, the average effluent COD concentration of the AFB, BWB, O
- PMID 21186119
- Insertion of an intracisternal A particle retrotransposon element in plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2 gene attenuates its expression and produces an ataxic phenotype in joggle mutant mice.
- Sun XY, Chen ZY, Hayashi Y, Kanou Y, Takagishi Y, Oda S, Murata Y.SourceDepartment of Genetics, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan.
- Gene.Gene.2008 Mar 31;411(1-2):94-102. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2008.01.013. Epub 2008 Jan 26.
- Using forward genetic analysis, we identified the insertion of an intracisternal A particle (IAP) retrotransposon element in the plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2 gene (Pmca2/Atp2b2) in the joggle mouse, a novel mutant that displays ataxic gait by postnatal day 12. Expression of Pmca2 mRNA in the jog
- PMID 18280673
Japanese Journal
- <Articles>On Bodily Motion Expressions with Swing and Wriggle
- 1113 SMAを利用した蠕動運動ロボットに関する研究(OS11-3 移動ロボットI,オーガナイズドセッション:11 ロボティクス・メカトロニクスの応用)
- A 3D Feature-Based Binocular Tracking Algorithm(Tracking,<Special Section>Machine Vision Applications)
- TIAN Guang,QI Feihu,KIMACHI Masatoshi,WU Yue,IKETANI Takashi
- IEICE transactions on information and systems E89-D(7), 2142-2149, 2006-07-01
- … It also can deal with the occlusion of people and do well in those cases that people rotate and wriggle. …
- NAID 110007541102
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