- pounding or beating strongly or violently; "a throbbing pain"; "the throbbing engine of the boat"
- a sound with a strong rhythmic beat; "the throbbing of the engines"
- pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs (同)head ache, cephalalgia
- 『頭痛』 / 《話》悩みの種
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English Journal
- Transcutaneous supraorbital neurostimulation in "de novo" patients with migraine without aura: the first Italian experience.
- Russo A1, Tessitore A, Conte F, Marcuccio L, Giordano A, Tedeschi G.
- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2015 Dec;16:551. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0551-3. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
- BACKGROUND: Transcutaneous supraorbital neurostimulation (tSNS) has been recently found superior to sham stimulation for episodic migraine prevention in a randomized trial. We evaluated both the safety and efficacy of a brief period of tSNS in a group of patients with migraine without aura (MwoA).ME
- PMID 26197977
- Headache disorders and public ill-health in India: prevalence estimates in Karnataka State.
- Kulkarni GB1, Rao GN, Gururaj G, Stovner LJ, Steiner TJ.
- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2015 Dec;16:549. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0549-x. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
- BACKGROUND: Primary headache disorders are among the commonest disorders, affecting people in all countries. India appears to be no exception, although reliable epidemiological data on headache in this highly populous country are not available. Such information is needed for health-policy purposes.
- PMID 26197976
- Muscle pain sensitivity after glutamate injection is not modified by systemic administration of monosodium glutamate.
- Shimada A1, Castrillon E, Baad-Hansen L, Ghafouri B, Gerdle B, Ernberg M, Cairns B, Svensson P.
- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2015 Dec;16:546. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0546-0. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
- BACKGROUND: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is often thought to be associated with headache and craniofacial pains like temporomandibular disorders. This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study was performed to investigate how ingestion of MSG affects muscle pain sensitivity before and after
- PMID 26197975
Japanese Journal
- 錐体骨部特発性生内頚動脈解離に対するステント留置術の1例
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル = Japanese journal of neurosurgery 22(7), 557-561, 2013-07-20
- NAID 10031173737
- 英
- throbbing headache、pulsating headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛、起立性頭痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、unilateral headache
- 血管の収縮:クモ膜下出血後、寒冷刺激、片頭痛の前駆期 → 拍動性要素は小さい。
- 血管の拡張:偏頭痛、発熱、低酸素、二酸化炭素中毒、化学物質
- 血管炎 :側頭動脈炎
- 血圧の上昇:高血圧症
- 血流の増減:貧血・脱水
- 英
- orthostatic headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、拍動性頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、migraine、migraine disorder、migraine headache、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache