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Cephalalgia may refer to:
- Headache, pain in the region of the head or neck
- Cephalalgia (journal), a medical journal of the International Headache Society
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English Journal
- Red cell distribution width identifies cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in patients with headache.
- Demir R1, Saritemur M2, Ozel L3, Ozdemir G3, Emet M2, Ulvi H3.
- Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.2015 May;21(4):354-8. doi: 10.1177/1076029613505764. Epub 2013 Oct 1.
- BACKGROUND: Diagnosing cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) in patients referring to emergency service or neurology outpatient unit with complaints of headache is a challenging task. Magnetic resonance (MR) venography is the gold standard, but there are limitations regarding its use.AIM: To evalu
- PMID 24085745
- Determinants of clinical effectiveness and significant neurological diagnoses in an urgent brain cancer referral pathway in the United Kingdom.
- Webb AJ1, Butterworth RJ2.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2015 May;132:37-40. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.02.014. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
- BACKGROUND: Cerebral tumours can rapidly progress to life-threatening complications yet referral pathways often result in non-significant diagnoses. We aimed to identify the determinants of referrals resulting in significant neurological diagnoses after specialist review.METHODS: We reviewed all urg
- PMID 25764998
- Incidence of headache as a presenting complaint in over 1000 patients with sellar lesions and factors predicting postoperative improvement.
- Jahangiri A1, Wagner JR1, Chin AT1, Han SW1, Tran MT1, Miller LM1, Tom MW1, Chen R1, Kunwar S1, Blevins L1, Aghi MK2.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2015 May;132:16-20. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.02.006. Epub 2015 Feb 20.
- INTRODUCTION: Due to the high incidence of headaches and pituitary tumors, neurosurgeons often evaluate patients with benign-appearing sellar lesions and headaches without insight into whether the headache is attributable to the lesion. We sought to evaluate the incidence of headache as a presenting
- PMID 25746316
Japanese Journal
- 群発頭痛の診断と治療 (特集 小児の頭痛 : 診かた・考えかたの実践) -- (小児の頭痛)
- 三叉神経自律神経性頭痛による歯痛に対してリドカインの鼻腔噴霧が有効であった1例
- 小林 あずさ,加藤 由美子,阿部 郷,矢冨 香織,坪井 栄達,岡田 明子,今村 佳樹
- 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 41(2), 195-196, 2013-04-15
- NAID 10031163426
- 舌下神経単独麻痺を呈した急性リンパ性白血病の47歳女性例
- 上井 康寛,橋本 昌也,鈴木 正彦,崎元 芳大,川崎 敬一,吉岡 雅之
- 臨床神経学 53(3), 243-246, 2013
- 症例は47歳女性である.嚥下障害で緊急入院.初診時,頭痛と右舌下神経麻痺に加え,2ヵ月前からの間欠熱があった.血液検査でCRP 5.3 mg/dl,可溶性IL 2レセプター834 U/mlの他異常なく,髄液検査も正常であった.脳MRIで蝶形骨斜台内部と周囲に造影効果をみとめたが,CTで骨破壊像はなかった.悪性腫瘍検索のためのPETで斜台内部と周囲,脾臓,腎臓,左鎖骨上窩と腸間膜リンパ節にFDG異常 …
- NAID 130004724956
Related Links
- Cephalalgia. Published on behalf of the International Headache Society, Cephalalgia provides an international forum for original research papers, review articles and short communications on topics such as: diagnosis and management of ...
- Cephalalgia. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Cover image for Vol. 29 Issue 12. Impact Factor: 3.686. ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2008: ... Cephalalgia is now published by Sage. Current content from Cephalalgia can be viewed here ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- throbbing headache、pulsating headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛、起立性頭痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、unilateral headache
- 血管の収縮:クモ膜下出血後、寒冷刺激、片頭痛の前駆期 → 拍動性要素は小さい。
- 血管の拡張:偏頭痛、発熱、低酸素、二酸化炭素中毒、化学物質
- 血管炎 :側頭動脈炎
- 血圧の上昇:高血圧症
- 血流の増減:貧血・脱水
- 英
- orthostatic headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、拍動性頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、migraine、migraine disorder、migraine headache、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- facial pain、prosopalgia