- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- draw from specific cases for more general cases (同)generalise, extrapolate, infer
- become systemic and spread throughout the body; "this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system" (同)generalise
- speak or write in generalities (同)generalise
- not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment; "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal" (同)generalised
- pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs (同)head ache, cephalalgia
- 『頭痛』 / 《話》悩みの種
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English Journal
- Will musculoskeletal and visual stress change when Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators move from small offices to an ergonomically optimized office landscape?
- Helland M, Horgen G, Kvikstad TM, Garthus T, Aaras A.SourceBuskerud University College, Department of Optometry and Visual Science, Frogsvei 41, P.O. Box 235, N-3601 Kongsberg, Norway.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2011 Nov;42(6):839-45. Epub 2011 Feb 19.
- This study investigated the effect of moving from small offices to a landscape environment for 19 Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators at Alcatel Denmark AS. The operators reported significantly improved lighting condition and glare situation. Further, visual discomfort was also significantly reduced
- PMID 21338981
- Neurologic symptoms and diagnosis in adults with mast cell disease.
- Smith JH, Butterfield JH, Pardanani A, Deluca GC, Cutrer FM.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 200 Second Street, Rochester, MN 55905, United States.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2011 Sep;113(7):570-4. Epub 2011 Jun 12.
- OBJECTIVE: To identify complications of mastocytosis that impact the nervous system across a large cohort.PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this retrospective series, we reviewed the electronic medical records of adult patients with a diagnosis of mastocytosis who were referred to a Neurologist at Mayo Clini
- PMID 21664760
Japanese Journal
- 腹部合併症に続けて Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome を発症したネフローゼ症候群の2例
- 長谷川 博也,池住 洋平,唐澤 環,鈴木 俊明,内山 聖
- 日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of pediatric nephrology 22(2), 195-200, 2009-11-15
- 症例1は血管炎に伴う続発性ネフローゼ症候群の12歳女児。ステロイド治療に抵抗性を示し,ネフローゼ状態が持続した。小腸出血の合併に対し,入院56日目に腹腔鏡下小腸部分切除術を施行した。手術翌日に高血圧と全身性けいれんを認め,その後も腹痛の増強に合わせて血圧上昇とけいれんを繰り返した。 症例2は頻回再発型ネフローゼ症候群の9歳男児。6回目の再発時に腹膜炎を合併し,当科入院5日目に頭痛と高血圧を訴え, …
- NAID 10026412006
- 奔豚と思われた諸症状に呉茱萸湯エキスと苓桂朮甘湯エキスの併用が奏効した6症例
- 笠原 裕司,小林 豊,地野 充時,関矢 信康,並木 隆雄,大野 賢二,来村 昌紀,橋本 すみれ,小川 恵子,奥見 裕邦,木俣 有美子,平崎 能郎,喜多 敏明,寺澤 捷年
- 日本東洋醫學雜誌 = Japanese journal of oriental medicine 60(5), 519-525, 2009-09-20
- 奔豚と思われた諸症状に呉茱萸湯エキスと苓桂朮甘湯エキスの併用が奏効した症例を6例経験した。5例はパニック障害,1例は全般性不安障害と推定され,6例いずれも,動悸,吐き気,めまい,頭痛やそれらに随伴する不安感などを訴えて,肘後方奔豚湯証と考えられた。呉茱萸湯エキスと苓桂朮甘湯エキスの併用投与で症状軽快し,あるいは肘後方奔豚湯からの変更で症状は再発しなかった。呉茱萸湯エキスと苓桂朮甘湯エキス併用は肘後 …
- NAID 10025974999
Related Links
- This page includes the following topics and synonyms: Acute Generalized Headache .
- 英
- throbbing headache、pulsating headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛、起立性頭痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、unilateral headache
- 血管の収縮:クモ膜下出血後、寒冷刺激、片頭痛の前駆期 → 拍動性要素は小さい。
- 血管の拡張:偏頭痛、発熱、低酸素、二酸化炭素中毒、化学物質
- 血管炎 :側頭動脈炎
- 血圧の上昇:高血圧症
- 血流の増減:貧血・脱水
- 英
- orthostatic headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、拍動性頭痛、全般性頭痛、頭部痛
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、cranial pain、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、migraine、migraine disorder、migraine headache、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache
- 関
- cephalalgia、cephalgia、generalized headache、head pain、headache、hemicrania、orthostatic headache、throbbing headache、unilateral headache
- 英
- generalized headache
- 関
- 頭痛、片頭痛、片側頭痛、拍動性頭痛、頭部痛、起立性頭痛
- 関
- generalisation、generalise、generalization
- 関
- generalization、systemic、systemically