- being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income" (同)uncertainness, precariousness
- condemn by attainder; "the man was attainted"
- certainty based on an inner conviction; "she believed in the importance of moral absolutes and moral certainty"; "the prosecutor had a moral certainty that the prisoner was guilty"
- 汚点,汚れ / 腐敗;堕前 / (病気などの)気味,痕跡《+of+名》 / …‘を'汚す / …‘を'腐らせる;…‘を'堕前させる / 汚れる,腐る,堕落する
- 〈U〉確信のなさ;疑わしさ;変わりやすさ;不明確さ / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》確信のない(疑わしい,変わりやすい,不明確な)こと
- (法律上)〈人〉‘の'私権を剥奪(はくだつ)する / 《古》〈名誉など〉'を'汚す / 私権喪失 / 《古》汚名
- 山頂
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Look up 'taint in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Taint may refer to:
- a wine fault, such as cork taint, ladybird taint or phenolic taint, producing undesirable odors or tastes in bottled wine; especially spoilage that can only be detected after opening the bottle
- Contamination, the presence of a minor and unwanted element (a contaminant)
- Infection, the colonization of a host organism by parasites
- Perineum, the region of the human anatomy between the genitals and the anus
- Taint (legal), the quality of illegally obtained court evidence
- Taint checking, a feature of some programming languages that prevents unauthorized users from remotely executing commands on a computer
- Tint (archaic)
- as a proper name
- The Taint (or Doctor Who and the Taint), a novel written by Michael Collier and based on the British television series Doctor Who
- Taint (band), a sludge-metal band from Wales
English Journal
- Consumers' segmentation based on the acceptability of meat from entire male pigs with different boar taint levels in four European countries: France, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom.
- Panella-Riera N1, Blanch M2, Kallas Z3, Chevillon P4, Garavaldi A5, Gil M2, Gil JM5, Font-I-Furnols M2, Oliver MA2.
- Meat science.Meat Sci.2016 Apr;114:137-45. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.12.017. Epub 2015 Dec 28.
- Two consumer studies were conducted to know the acceptability of pork with different boar taint levels: test 1 performed in Spain (n=126) and United Kingdom (n=146), and test 2 performed in France (n=139) and Italy (n=140). Each test had 3 types of pork: 'Female meat', 'Low boar tainted meat', and a
- PMID 26773971
- Does Stigma Towards Mental Illness Affect Initial Perceptions of Peer Providers?
- Flanagan E1, Farina A2, Davidson L3.
- The Psychiatric quarterly.Psychiatr Q.2016 Mar;87(1):203-10. doi: 10.1007/s11126-015-9378-y.
- Peers (i.e. people with lived experience of mental illness and/or addictions) are being hired in large numbers to offer support for people with serious mental illnesses, but little is known about how peer providers are viewed. The goal of this study was to measure reactions towards actors posed as p
- PMID 26115742
- Strategic use of anti-GnRH vaccine allowing selection of breeding boars without adverse effects on reproductive or production performances.
- Oliviero C1, Ollila A2, Andersson M2, Heinonen M2, Voutila L3, Serenius T4, Peltoniemi O2.
- Theriogenology.Theriogenology.2016 Feb;85(3):476-82. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.09.027. Epub 2015 Sep 21.
- Boar stations raise only entire male pigs for selection as reproductive boars, but the majority of them will fail the selection process, ending at slaughter with a high risk of boar tainted meat. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a single dose of Improvac given to 16-week old boars ha
- PMID 26474682
Japanese Journal
- 動的情報追跡による注入攻撃の普遍的な検出方式の検証 (コンピュータシステム)
- 辻 秀典,高山 扶美彦,北田 亘 [他]
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(242), 13-18, 2014-10-10
- NAID 40020268092
- 制御フローと通信の関連性分析に基づくC&Cサーバ特定手法の提案 (情報通信システムセキュリティ)
- 幾世 知範,青木 一史,針生 剛男
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 113(502), 137-142, 2014-03-27
- NAID 40020044632
- 制御フローと通信の関連性分析に基づくC&Cサーバ特定手法の提案(通信セキュリティ,セキュリティ心理学とトラスト,一般)
- 幾世 知範,青木 一史,針生 剛男
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICSS, 情報通信システムセキュリティ 113(502), 137-142, 2014-03-20
- 近年,マルウェア感染攻撃の高度化・多様化によってマルウェア感染の防止が困難になってきていることを背景に,感染端末を発見・隔離する対策の必要性が高まっている.ボット等のマルウェアに感染した場合,感染端末には,攻撃者からの指令を受信するためにC&Cサーバと通信する特徴が現れる.そのため, C&Cサーバをブラックリスト化できれば,感染端末を発見・隔離し,被害を最小限にできる. C&Cサーバのブラックリス …
- NAID 110009861003
Related Links
- taintとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 (害毒・病害などの)気味, 痕跡(こんせき)((of ...))a lingering taint of malaria長くあとを引くマラリアの症状.2 [U]汚染, 腐敗, 害悪, 堕落moral taint道徳的な腐敗There was a taint of bribery to hi... - goo辞書は ...
- Full Definition of TAINT transitive verb 1: to contaminate morally : corrupt <scholarship tainted by envy> 2: to affect with putrefaction : spoil 3: to touch or affect slightly with something bad <persons tainted with prejudice>
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- 関
- authenticity、certain、confidence、confident、convince、reliance