- a tree diagram showing a reconstruction of the transmission of manuscripts of a literary work
- the humanistic discipline that attempts to reconstruct the transmission of a text (especially a text in manuscript form) on the basis of relations between the various surviving manuscripts (sometimes using cladistic analysis); "stemmatology also plays an (同)stemmatics
- succulent subshrubs or vines; tropical and subtropical India and Africa and Malaysia (同)genus Sarcostemma
- a caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles (同)genus Agrostemma
- of or relating to a textual stemma
- grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
- stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide" (同)stanch, staunch, halt
- remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
- the tube of a tobacco pipe
- cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
- (草の)『茎』,(木の)『幹』 / 葉柄,花梗(かこう) / 『茎状のもの』;(杯・グラスの)『脚』,(パイプ・さじの)柄,(時計の)りゅうず / (単語の)語幹,語根 / 船首;船首材 / …‘の'茎(軸)を取り去る,へたをとる / (…から)生じる,(…に)由来する《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈流れなど〉‘を'止める / 〈風・水流など〉‘に'逆らって進む,抵抗する / 〈攻撃・反対など〉‘を'くい止める,押さえる
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/13 12:40:49」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Stemma (plural stemmata) may refer to:
- One of the types of simple eyes in arthropods
- A family tree or recorded genealogy
- In the study of stemmatics, a diagram showing the relationship of a text to its manuscripts
- A graphical representation of the grammatical dependencies between the words in a syntactic construction --- see Tesniere
English Journal
- Effect of calcium phosphate materials on multipotent mesenchymal cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED cells) in vitro.
- Vakhrushev IV1, Smirnov VV, Goldberg MA, Karalkin PA, Lupatov AY, Barinov SM, Yarygin KN.
- Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine.Bull Exp Biol Med.2013 May;155(1):139-44.
- Various calcium phosphate ceramic materials were created and their effect on cultured mesenchymal cells from exfoliated deciduous tooth pulp was evaluated. Tricalcium phosphate ceramics provides best cell survival and is an optimal material for bone tissue engineering. Analysis of the effects of tri
- PMID 23667892
- [Common gene mutations study in Uyghur population with deafness in Kashgar region of Xinjiang].
- Chen Y1, Tudi M, Lu HL, Jiang D, Zhao J, Hu B, Kuyaxi P, Zhang H.
- Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery.Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi.2011 Mar;46(3):205-8.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the frequency of the mutations in Uyghur nonsyndromic deafness groups in Kashgar region of Xinjiang province by means of screening the common mutations of known deafness genes in China.METHODS: One hundred and seventy-four Uyghur patients with hearing loss were involved in
- PMID 21575411
- Spatial distribution of opsin-encoding mRNAs in the tiered larval retinas of the sunburst diving beetle Thermonectus marmoratus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).
- Maksimovic S1, Cook TA, Buschbeck EK.
- The Journal of experimental biology.J Exp Biol.2009 Dec;212(Pt 23):3781-94. doi: 10.1242/jeb.031773.
- Larvae of the sunburst diving beetle, Thermonectus marmoratus, have a cluster of six stemmata (E1-6) and one eye patch on each side of the head. Each eye has two retinas: a distal retina that is closer to the lens, and a proximal retina that lies directly underneath. The distal retinas of E1 and E2
- PMID 19915119
Japanese Journal
- ゾロアスター教ズルヴァーン主義研究(4)『ウラマー・イェ・イスラーム』の写本蒐集と校訂翻訳
- 青木 健
- 東洋文化研究所紀要 161(-), 144-118, 2012-03
- … To address this situation, I have collected independent MSS of that treatise both already known in Mumbai (3) and Navsari (1) and unknown in Tehran (2) and Hyderabad (1), then prepared the stemma codicum of 'Ulamā-ye Islām and established an Urtext that could account for the variants. …
- NAID 40019253897
- ゾロアスター教ズルヴァーン主義研究(3)『ウラマー・イェ・イスラーム』の写本蒐集と校訂翻訳
- 青木 健
- 東洋文化研究所紀要 160, 224-127, 2011-12
- … To address this situation, I have collected independent MSS of that treatise both already known in Mumbai (3) and Navsari (1) and unknown in Tehran (2) and Hyderabad (1), then prepared the stemma codicum of 'Ulamā-ye Islām and established an Urtext that could account for the variants. …
- NAID 40019157018
- 初期イスラーム神学ムゥタズィラ派研究(2)『ウラマー・イェ・イスラーム』の写本蒐集と校訂翻訳[含 ペルシア語文]
- 青木 健 [訳]
- 東洋文化研究所紀要 159, 112-66, 2011-03
- … To address this situation, I have collected independent MSS of that treatise both already known in Mumbai (3) and Navsari (1) and unknown in Tehran (2) and Hyderabad (1), then papered the stemma codicum of this another version of 'Ulamā-ye Islām too and established an Urtext that could account for the variants.// This Urtext reveals some unknown aspects of early history of Islamic theology from Zoroastrian criticism against a concept of Shayy of Mu'tazilite. …
- NAID 120002949863
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- Huonekalut kotiin ja toimistoon löytyvät lähimmästä Stemma-huonekaluliikkeestä. Stemmasta saat laajan kalustevalikoiman lisäksi myös monipuolisesti palveluita. ... Etsimme nyt uusia Stemma-kauppiaita 42-vuotias Stemma on ...
- Originally founded from Germany by the Eichstaedt Abbey, the foundation has slowly evolved into a cloistered monastery and has a much used retreat house. Vocational,charism , and retreatant information available.
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- 生じる、起こる、由来する(from,in,out of)
- In volvement in such disparate conditions stems from the widespread influences of GSK3 on many cellular functions.
- 関
- accrue、arise、basilar、basilaris、borne、come from、derive、descend、give rise to、happen、occur、plant stem、produce、proximal、proximal region、raise、scanning transmission electron microscopy