- a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet (同)pamphlet
- an extended area of land (同)piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcel
- a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose
- a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image (同)trace
- the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
- the discovery and description of the course of development of something; "the tracing of genealogies"
- 広大な土地(地域),(土地・海・空などの)広がり《+of+名》 / (器官の)管,(神経の)索
- (おもに宗教・政治などの宣伝用の)小冊子,パンフレット
- 跡を追うこと,追跡;透写,複写 / 〈C〉 / 透写(複写)によってできたもの(地図・図案など),透写図
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Spinocerebellar tract |
Spinocerebellar tracts are labeled in blue at right.
Details |
Latin |
Tractus spinocerebellaris |
Identifiers |
Gray's |
p.761 |
NeuroNames |
ancil-2137625602 |
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy |
The spinocerebellar tract is a set of axonal fibers originating in the spinal cord and terminating in the ipsilateral cerebellum. This tract conveys information to the cerebellum about limb and joint position (proprioception).
- 1 Origins of proprioceptive information
- 2 Subdivisions of the tract
- 3 Pathway for dorsal and spinocuneocerebellar tracts
- 4 Pathway for ventral and rostral spinocerebellar tracts
- 5 References
- 6 External links
Origins of proprioceptive information
Proprioceptive information is obtained by Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles.
- Golgi tendon organs consist of a fibrous capsule enclosing tendon fascicles and bare nerve endings that respond to tension in the tendon by causing action potentials in Ib afferent neurons (relatively large, myelinated, quickly conducting).
- Muscle spindles fibers are complicated systems of length monitoring within muscles which result in information being carried via Ia neurons (larger and faster than Ib) (from both nuclear bag fibers and nuclear chain fibers) and II neurons (solely from nuclear chain fibers).
All of these neurons are "first order" or "primary" and are sensory (and thus have their cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion). They pass through Rexed laminae layers I-VI of the dorsal horn to form synapses with "second order" or "secondary" neurons in the layer just beneath the dorsal horn (layer VII).
Subdivisions of the tract
The tract is divided into:[1][dubious – discuss]
Division |
Peripheral Process of First Order the Neuron |
Region of Innervation |
dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract |
from muscle spindle (primarily) and golgi tendon organs |
Ipsilateral Caudal Aspect of the body and legs |
ventral (anterior) spinocerebellar tract |
from golgi tendon organs |
Ipsilateral Caudal Aspect of the body and legs |
cuneocerebellar tract |
from muscle spindle (primarily) and golgi tendon organs |
Ipsilateral arm |
rostral spinocerebellar tract |
from golgi tendon organs |
Ipsilateral arm |
Pathway for dorsal and spinocuneocerebellar tracts
The sensory neurons synapse in an area known as Clarke's nucleus or "Clarke's column".
This is a column of relay neuron cell bodies within the medial gray matter within the spinal cord in layer VII (just beneath the dorsal horn), specifically between T1-L3. These neurons then send axons up the spinal cord, and project ipsilaterally to medial zones of the cerebellum through the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Below L3, relevant neurons pass into the fasciculus gracilis (usually associated with the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system) until L3 where they synapse with Clarke's nucleus (leading to considerable caudal enlargement).
The neurons in the accessory cuneate nucleus have axons leading to the ipsilateral cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Pathway for ventral and rostral spinocerebellar tracts
Some neurons of the ventral spinocerebellar tract instead form synapses with neurons in layer VII of L4-S3. Most of these fibers cross over to the contralateral lateral funiculus via the anterior white commissure and through the superior cerebellar peduncle. The fibers then often cross over again within the cerebellum to end on the ipsilateral side. For this reason the tract is sometimes termed the "double-crosser."
The Rostral Tract synapses at the dorsal horn lamina (intermediate gray zone) of the spinal cord and ascends ipsilaterally to the cerebellum through the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
- ^ Siegel, Allan, and Hreday N. Sapru. Essential Neuroscience. 2nd. Lippincott, 2011. 146-149.
External links
- http://www.anatomyatlases.org/MicroscopicAnatomy/Section17/Plate17327.shtml
The spinal cord
General features |
- Cervical enlargement
- Lumbar enlargement
- Conus medullaris
- Filum terminale
- Cauda equina
Grey matter |
Posterior grey column |
- Marginal nucleus
- Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
- Nucleus proprius
- Spinal lamina V
- Spinal lamina VI
Lateral grey column |
- Intermediolateral nucleus
- Posterior thoracic nucleus
Anterior grey column |
- Interneuron
- Alpha motor neuron
Other |
- Rexed laminae
- Central gelatinous substance
- Gray commissure
- Central canal
- Terminal ventricle
White matter |
Sensory |
Posterior |
- Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway:
- Gracile
- Cuneate
Lateral: |
- Spinocerebellar
- Spinothalamic
- Posterolateral
- Spinotectal
- Spinoreticular tract
- Spino-olivary tract
Motor |
Lateral |
- Corticospinal
- Extrapyramidal
- Rubrospinal
- Olivospinal
- Raphespinal
Anterior |
- Corticospinal
- Extrapyramidal
- Vestibulospinal
- Reticulospinal
- Tectospinal
Both |
- Anterior white commissure
External features |
- Ventral
- Anterior median fissure
- Anterolateral sulcus
- Dorsal
- Posterior median sulcus
- Posterolateral sulcus
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- addiction
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
Anatomy of the cerebellum
Surface |
Lobes |
- Anterior lobe
- Posterior lobe
- Flocculonodular lobe
- Primary fissure
Medial/lateral |
- Vermis: anterior
- Central lobule
- Culmen
- Lingula
- posterior
- Vallecula of cerebellum
- Hemisphere: anterior
- posterior
- Biventer lobule
- Cerebellar tonsil
Grey matter |
Deep cerebellar nuclei |
- Dentate
- interposed
- Fastigial
Cerebellar cortex |
- Molecular layer
- Stellate cell
- Basket cell
- Purkinje cell layer
- Purkinje cell
- Bergmann glia cell = Golgi epithelial cell
- Granule cell layer
- Golgi cell
- Granule cell
- Unipolar brush cell
- Fibers: Mossy fibers
- Climbing fiber
- Parallel fiber
White matter |
Internal |
Peduncles |
- Inferior (medulla): Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
- Olivocerebellar tract
- Cuneocerebellar tract
- Juxtarestiform body (Vestibulocerebellar tract)
- Trigeminocerebellar fibers
- Middle (pons): Pontocerebellar fibers
- Superior (midbrain): Ventral spinocerebellar tract
- Dentatothalamic tract
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- addiction
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
Brain and spinal cord: neural tracts and fasciculi
ascending |
1°: |
- Pacinian corpuscle/Meissner's corpuscle → Posterior column (Gracile fasciculus/Cuneate fasciculus) → Gracile nucleus/Cuneate nucleus
2°: |
- → sensory decussation/arcuate fibers (Posterior external arcuate fibers, Internal arcuate fibers) → Medial lemniscus/Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus (VPL, VPM)
3°: |
- → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrus
pain |
Fast/lateral |
- 1° (Free nerve ending → A delta fiber) → 2° (Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus) → 3° (Postcentral gyrus) → 4° (Posterior parietal cortex)
2° (Spinomesencephalic tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum)
Slow/medial |
- 1° (Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation) → 2° (MD of Thalamus) → 3° (Cingulate cortex)
descending |
Pyramidal |
- flexion: Primary motor cortex → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Decussation of pyramids → Corticospinal tract (Lateral, Anterior) → Neuromuscular junction
Extrapyramidal |
flexion: |
- Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles
flexion: |
- Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract
extension: |
- Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract
extension: |
- Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract
- Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neck
Basal ganglia |
direct: |
1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPi) → 3° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 4° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 5° (Motor cortex)
indirect: |
1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPe) → 3° (Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus) → 4° (Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi) → 5° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 6° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 7° (Motor cortex)
nigrostriatal pathway: |
Cerebellar |
Afferent |
- Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell
- Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell
- Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nuclei
Efferent |
- Dentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere/pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
- Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere/spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation, or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
- Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe/vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nuclei
Spinocerebellar |
proprioception |
- lower limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal/posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis)
- upper limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum)
Reflex arc |
- lower limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Ventral/anterior spinocerebellar tract→ SCP → Cerebellar vermis)
- upper limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum)
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- addiction
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
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English Journal
- Loss of MyD88 alters neuroinflammatory response and attenuates early Purkinje cell loss in a spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 mouse model.
- Aikawa T1, Mogushi K2, Iijima-Tsutsui K3, Ishikawa K4, Sakurai M5, Tanaka H6, Mizusawa H7, Watase K8.
- Human molecular genetics.Hum Mol Genet.2015 Sep 1;24(17):4780-91. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv202. Epub 2015 Jun 1.
- Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) is dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disease, caused by an expansion of CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine (PolyQ) tract in the Cav2.1 voltage-gated calcium channel. Its key pathological features include selective degeneration of the cerebellar Purkinje cel
- PMID 26034136
- In Vitro Expansion of CAG, CAA, and Mixed CAG/CAA Repeats.
- Figura G1, Koscianska E2, Krzyzosiak WJ3.
- International journal of molecular sciences.Int J Mol Sci.2015 Aug 11;16(8):18741-51. doi: 10.3390/ijms160818741.
- Polyglutamine diseases, including Huntington's disease and a number of spinocerebellar ataxias, are caused by expanded CAG repeats that are located in translated sequences of individual, functionally-unrelated genes. Only mutant proteins containing polyglutamine expansions have long been thought to
- PMID 26270660
- Enhanced Molecular Mobility of Ordinarily Structured Regions Drives Polyglutamine Disease.
- Lupton CJ1, Steer DL1, Wintrode PL2, Bottomley SP1, Hughes VA1, Ellisdon AM3.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2015 Aug 10. pii: jbc.M115.659532. [Epub ahead of print]
- Polyglutamine expansion is a hallmark of nine neurodegenerative diseases, with protein aggregation intrinsically linked to disease progression. While polyglutamine expansion accelerates protein aggregation, the misfolding process is actually instigated by flanking domains. For example, polyglutamine
- PMID 26260925
Japanese Journal
- 石浦 浩之
- 臨床神経学 54(12), 1016-1017, 2014
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- 臨床神経学 53(4), 278-282, 2013
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- NAID 130004921088
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- 英
- spinocerebellar tract
- ラ
- tractus spinocerebellaris
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、pursue、pursuit、trace
- 関
- tractus