- 関
- glossalgia、glossodynia、tongue pain
- pain in the tongue (同)glossodynia
- to a very great extent or degree; "the idea is so obvious"; "never been so happy"; "I love you so"; "my head aches so!"
- (usually followed by `that'
- in a manner that facilitates; "he observed the snakes so he could describe their behavior"; "he stooped down so he could pick up his hat"
- in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied; "Theyre happy and I hope they will remain so"; "so live your life that old age will bring no regrets"
- in the same way; also; "I was offended and so was he"; "worked hard and so did she"
- to a certain unspecified extent or degree; "I can only go so far with this student"; "can do only so much in a day"
- lick or explore with the tongue
- any long thin projection that is transient; "tongues of flame licked at the walls"; "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark" (同)knife
- the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot
- a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity (同)lingua, glossa, clapper
- a manner of speaking; "he spoke with a thick tongue"; "she has a glib tongue"
- the tongue of certain animals used as meat
- articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments
- an open skin infection
- provided with or resembling a tongue; often used in combination; "tongued shoes"; "tongued boards"; "toungued lightning"; "long-tongued"
- having a manner of speaking as specified; often used in combination; "golden-tongued"; "sharp-tongued"
- 《様態の指示》『そういうふうに』,『そのように』・《補語に用いて》『そのようで』,そうで・《程度》『それほど』,そんなに・《強意として》《話》『非常に』,『とても』,たいへん・《前に述べたことの内容に対する同意を表して;「so+主語+[助]動詞」》『その通りで』,『本当に』,確かに,おっしゃるとおり・《肯定文を受けて;「so+[助]動詞+主語」の語順で》…『もまた』,『も同様に』・《as~, so…で》~と同じように…,(~のように)そのように・《目的を表して》…『するように』・《理由・結果を表して》『その結果』,それで・《文・節の頭に用いて》『それで』,だから・《驚き・賛成・嫌悪・疑いなどを表して》そうか,そうなんだ,どうかな,まさか・それでよし
- =sol
- 〈C〉『舌』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(食用の牛などの)舌,タン / 〈C〉『言葉』,言語(language) / 〈C〉『言葉遣い』,言い回し / 〈C〉話す能力 / 〈C〉(形・位置・働きが)舌に似たもの / 〈C〉細長い岬 / 〈C〉(靴の)舌革,べろ
- (傷・患部が)『痛い』,触って痛い / (人が)(けが・打ち身などで)『痛みを感じる』 / 《古》つらい,ひどい,痛ましい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(精神的に)痛い,苦しい / 《米話》《補語にのみ用いて》感情を害する,怒って / (体の)痛いところ,傷,ただれ,はれもの / 心痛の種(原因)
- 在米中国人の友愛団体
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English Journal
- A pilot evaluation of the 3gLM-R - A new supraglottic airway device.
- Michalek P1, Jindrova B2, Kriz P2, Stritesky M2, Sedlar M3.
- Advances in medical sciences.Adv Med Sci.2015 Sep;60(2):186-90. doi: 10.1016/j.advms.2015.02.001. Epub 2015 Feb 20.
- INTRODUCTION: Supraglottic airway devices are designed for airway management during anaesthesia. The 3gLM is a novel device with a non-inflatable soft cuff and separate channels for gas delivery and drainage of gastric content.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective observational study of the 3gLM, v
- PMID 25827129
- Cerebellopontine angle mass mimicking lingual nerve injury after dental implant placement: a case report.
- Momota Y1, Kani K1, Takano H1, Azuma M1.
- Australian dental journal.Aust Dent J.2015 Sep;60(3):412-5. doi: 10.1111/adj.12224.
- This is a rare case report of a cerebellopontine angle (CPA) mass mimicking lingual nerve injury after a dental implant placement. Lingual nerve injury is a common complication following dental implant placement. CPA masses are likely to cause symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, and thus can mimic and
- PMID 25280059
- Utilizing the concept of geste antagoniste for conservative management of oro-mandibular tardive dyskinesia: a case report and mini-review.
- Farag AM, Mier RW, Correa LP.
- Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practice.Cranio.2015 Aug 21:2151090315Y0000000022. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: This case report highlights the implication of the concept of "geste antagoniste" in conservatively managing oromotor dysfunction and its complications.CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 66-year-old female with a 1-year history of tardive dyskinesia (TD) was referred to the Craniofacial Pain Depart
- PMID 26293144
Japanese Journal
- 初発症状として急性喉頭蓋炎様の所見を呈した悪性リンパ腫の一例
- 術中 CT 撮影が有効であった舌迷入魚骨異物の1例
Related Links
- Sore Tongue Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Videos, Forums, and local community support. Find answers to health issues you can trust from BetterMedicine.com ... What is a sore tongue? A sore ...
- Sore tongue or aphthous ulcers are small sores that occur on the side and underneath the tongue. This condition is quiet common in people under the age of 40. The sores can also occur on the cheeks, gums and lips. Types Minor ...
- 英
- sore tongue、glossalgia、glossodynia、tongue pain
- 関
- 舌痛症
- 関
- glossodynia、sore tongue、tongue pain
- 関
- glossalgia、glossodynia、sore tongue
- Weight loss is common and may be so severe as to suggest a hiden malignant tumor.
- dysplasia may range from mild to so severe as to represent transformation to carcinoma.
- 関
- because、consequently、since、therefore、thus