- 関
- monopolar、unipolar
- having a single pole
- used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals; "single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals"
- a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base (同)bingle
- not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty"; "undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention" (同)undivided, exclusive
- existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual; "upon the hill stood a single tower"; "had but a single thought which was to escape"; "a single survivor"; "a single serving"; "a single lens"; "a single thickness"
- having uniform application; "a single legal code for all"
- hit a single; "the batter singled to left field"
- to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
- deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
- produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
- a conductor used to make electrical contact with some part of a circuit
- badminton played with one person on each side
- tennis played with one person on each side
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『たった一つ』(『一人』)『の』,単独の;《否定文で》ただ一つ(一人)(もない) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『一人用の』・『独身の』・《名詞の前にのみ用いて》個々の,別々の / 単一の,単式の;(花が)一重咲きの,単弁の / 《英》(切符が)片道の / 〈C〉一人,1個;独身者 / 〈C〉《話》(ホテルの部屋,船室,列車寝台などの)一人用 / 〈C〉(野球で)シングルヒット,単打 / 《複数形で》(テニスなどの)シングルスの試合,単試合 / 《英》片道切符 / 《複数形で》《話》1ドル(ポンド)札 / …‘を'1人(1個)だけ選び出す《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》 / (野球で)シングルヒットを打つ
- 『歌う』;(…に)歌って聞かせる《+『to』(『for』)+『名』》;(楽器に合わせて)歌う《+『to』+『名』》・〈小鳥・虫などが〉『鳴く』,さえずる / 《文》(…を)詩(歌)にする,(詩(歌)を詠んで)賛美する《+『of』+『名』》・〈小川・風・弾丸・湯沸かし・耳などが〉歌うように鳴る・《米語》自白する;密告する・〈歌〉‘を'歌う・《副詞[句]を伴って》歌って…‘を'(…に)する・…‘を'唱える,詠唱する・《文》…‘を'詩(歌)にする,(詩(歌)に詠んで)賛美する・合唱の集い
- 電極
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English Journal
- Cascade signal amplification for electrochemical immunosensing by integrating biobarcode probes, surface-initiated enzymatic polymerization and silver nanoparticle deposition.
- Lin D1, Mei C2, Liu A2, Jin H2, Wang S3, Wang J4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2015 Apr 15;66:177-83. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.10.074. Epub 2014 Nov 8.
- A cascade signal amplification strategy through combining surface-initiated enzymatic polymerization (SIEP) and the subsequent deposition of strepavidin functionalized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was proposed. The first step of constructing the electrochemical immunosensor involves covalently immob
- PMID 25460899
- Electrochemical investigation of the interaction between topotecan and DNA at disposable graphite electrodes.
- Congur G1, Erdem A2, Mese F1.
- Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Bioelectrochemistry.2015 Apr;102:21-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2014.11.003. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
- Topotecan (TPT) is a semisynthetic, water soluble analog of the plant alkaloid camptothecin which has been widely used for the treatment of ovarian and cervical cancers. To obtain better understanding on how it can affect DNA structure, electrochemical biosensor platforms for the investigation of TP
- PMID 25461757
- Sonoelectrocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue using Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes.
- Shestakova M1, Vinatoru M2, Mason TJ2, Sillanpää M3.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2015 Mar;23:135-41. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2014.08.008. Epub 2014 Aug 30.
- Sonoelectrochemical decomposition of organic compounds is a developing technique among advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). It has the advantage over sonication alone that it increases the efficiency of the process in terms of a more rapid decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD) and in total organi
- PMID 25216896
Japanese Journal
- Electrochemical study of multi-component additive behavior during copper electrodeposition with a microfluidic device and an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance
- Saito Takeyasu,Tsujimoto Yuichi,Miyamoto Yutaka,Okamoto Naoki,Kondo Kazuo
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(5S), 05EA04, 2015-04-20
- … The adsorption behavior of multi-component additives during Cu electrodeposition was investigated to examine the role of single species in the early period of Cu electrodeposition. … Finally, the increase in the weight on the electrode (Δm) by the additives was measured using a flow cell-type electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) to calculate θ<inf>EFF</inf>by Δm, which revealed that the suppression of i was roughly dominated by the adsorbed PEG amount, even in a multi-component system. …
- NAID 150000110589
- Band-like transport observed in TIPS-pentacene thin film by time-resolved microscopic optical second-harmonic generation imaging
- Matsubara Kohei,Manaka Takaaki,Iwamoto Mitsumasa
- Appl. Phys. Express 8(4), 041601, 2015-03-04
- … Carrier transport in single-crystalline grains of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) (TIPS) pentacene was studied using time-resolved microscopic optical second-harmonic generation (TRM-SHG). … A strong SHG signal observed at the edge of a FET source electrode at low temperature suggests the presence of a potential drop associated with the carrier injection process. …
- NAID 150000110396
- In situ real-time monitoring of geometric, electronic, and molecular structures at solid/liquid interfaces
- Uosaki Kohei
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(3), 030102, 2015-02-06
- … The characterization of the electrodeposition process of Pd layers on Au single-crystal electrode surfaces is presented as an example to demonstrate the importance of using multiple techniques in an integrated manner to understand the processes at solid/liquid interfaces. …
- NAID 150000110278
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- single electrode、monopolar、unipolar
- 関
- 単一電極
- 関
- monopolar、single electrode
- 関
- single electrode、unipolar
- 英
- single electrode
- 関
- 単極
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- individual、mono、private、select、simple、unity
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- electric、electricity
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- anode、cathode