- tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown
- characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions"
- situated nearest to point of attachment or origin; "the proximal end of a bone"
- 選択の,染択する / 注意して選ばれた / 淘汰(とうた)の / (無線が)選択度の高い
- (骨などが)近位の(体の中心に近いこと)
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English Journal
- Reduction of gastrointestinal motility by unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy plus subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in rats.
- Lee JH, Kwon OD, Ahn SH, Choi KH, Park JH, Lee S, Choi BK, Jung KY.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Jeonbuk 570-749, South Korea.
- World journal of gastroenterology : WJG.World J Gastroenterol.2012 Sep 7;18(33):4570-7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i33.4570.
- AIM: To investigate whether the combined methods of unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy (TPX) and subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (VAX) can be adapted for rats and used as a reliable method to produce a rat model of long-term reduction of gastrointestinal (GI) motor function.METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rat
- PMID 22969231
- Abdominal vagal afferent pathways and their distributions of intraganglionic laminar endings in the rat duodenum.
- Wang FB, Young YK, Kao CK.SourceDepartment of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan. psyfbw@ccu.edu.tw
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2012 Apr 1;520(5):1098-113. doi: 10.1002/cne.22812.
- We examined abdominal vagal afferents (n = 33) and the distributions of their intraganglionic laminar endings (IGLEs) in the duodenum. Rats (male, Sprague-Dawley) received a partial subdiaphragmatic vagotomy that spared a single branch. Wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (0.5-1.0 μl) was
- PMID 22102316
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡補助下選択的近位迷走神経切離術が奏効した十二指腸潰瘍再発の1例
- Multiple Early Carcinomas of the Esophagus Associated with Achalasia Treated by Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
Related Links
- A vagotomy is a surgical procedure that involves resection of the vagus nerve. ... Highly selective vagotomy refers to denervation of only those branches supplying the lower esophagus and stomach (leaving the ... "Proximal gastric vagotomy.
- Definition of selective vagotomy in the Medical Dictionary. selective vagotomy explanation. ... parietal cell vagotomy selective severing of the vagus nerve fibers supplying the proximal two-thirds (parietal area) of the stomach; done for ...
- 英
- selective proximal vagotomy
- 関
- 迷走神経切離術
- 関
- choice、choose、elective、opt、option、optional、select、selection、selectively、selectivity
- 関
- basilar、basilaris、juxtaposition、proximal portion、proximal region、proximally、proximate、stem