- the quality of being unsteady and subject to changes; "he kept a record of price fluctuations" (同)wavering
- a wave motion; "the fluctuations of the sea"
- pertaining to respiration; "respiratory assistance"
- a breathing device for administering long-term artificial respiration (同)inhalator
- 波動;動揺,変動
- 呼吸の,呼吸作用の,呼吸のための
- 《米》人工呼吸装置 / (一般に)マスク;防毒マスク
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- 1. コーガン症候群cogan syndrome [show details]
…noninflammatory down-fluctuations are difficult to distinguish from those of inflammatory origin after several episodes of active CS. Down-fluctuation in hearing associated with an upper respiratory infection or …
- 2. 食物アレルギーにおける呼吸器の症状respiratory manifestations of food allergy [show details]
…aerosolized particles may also trigger respiratory symptoms. Isolated asthma or rhinitis secondary to food allergy is reported but is rare . More commonly, respiratory symptoms of food allergy are accompanied …
- 3. 甲状腺疾患における呼吸機能respiratory function in thyroid disease [show details]
…cancer. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause respiratory muscle weakness and decrease pulmonary function. Hypothyroidism reduces respiratory drive and can cause obstructive sleep apnea or pleural …
- 4. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)における呼吸筋のトレーニングおよび安静respiratory muscle training and resting in copd [show details]
…chronic respiratory muscle fatigue. For patients with acute on chronic respiratory failure due to an exacerbation of COPD, the use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV), which enables respiratory muscle unloading …
- 5. 小児における急性呼吸窮迫の原因causes of acute respiratory distress in children [show details]
… very young children. A respiratory rate that is inappropriately slow for the clinical condition may also be a sign of respiratory distress, and may portent impending respiratory arrest. An abnormal pattern …
English Journal
Japanese Journal
- Integrated pulmonary index can predict respiratory compromise in high-risk patients in the post-anesthesia care unit: a prospective, observational study
- Kuroe Yasutoshi,Mihara Yuko,Okahara Shuji,Ishii Kenzo,Kanazawa Tomoyuki,Morimatsu Hiroshi
- BMC Anesthesiology 21(1), 123, 2021-04-21
- … Background: Respiratory compromise (RC) including hypoxia and hypoventilation is likely to be missed in the postoperative period. … Integrated pulmonary index (IPI) is a comprehensive respiratory parameter evaluating ventilation and oxygenation. … It is calculated from four parameters: end-tidal carbon dioxide, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry (SpO(2)), and pulse rate. …
- NAID 120007037372
- 突然の構音障害と左上肢麻痺で搬送され脳卒中との鑑別を要した高齢発症重症筋無力症の1例
- 山口 裕佳,藤本 武士,林 信孝,鳥村 大司,前田 泰宏,辻野 彰
- 臨床神経学 61(4), 234-238, 2021
- <p>症例は80歳女性.構音障害,左上肢麻痺を主訴に脳卒中を疑われて当院救急搬送となった.入院第6日目に呼吸状態の悪化を認め,人工呼吸器管理となった.呼吸不全の原因精査を行なったところ,筋特異的チロシンキナーゼ抗体陽性が判明し重症筋無力症(myasthenia gravis,以下MGと略記)の診断となった.免疫療法を行い,徐々に症状の改善がみられ,約3ヶ月後には人工呼吸器からの完全離脱 …
- NAID 130008028356
- 環境要因と被験者の体動及び心拍変動が主観的睡眠感に及ぼす影響
- 太田 周彰,岩前 篤,木村 文雄,安福 勝,平栗 靖浩
- 日本建築学会環境系論文集 (778), 923-933, 2020-12
- … <p> In this study, in order to avoid restricting the human body movement, non-contact, non-invasive and non-restrained mat type body motion sensors that measure fluctuations of a pressure loaded on the mat by the human body were used to determine heart rate, respiratory rate, and body motion. … HRV is the temporal fluctuation of heart rate (HR) and has been often used in the study of autonomic nerve activity of human body. …
- NAID 130007964401
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- The respiratory fluctuation index (RFI) is defined as the median of the histogram. Download : Download high-res image (778KB) Download : Download full-size image Fig. 6. (a–c) The fluctuation index series (FI) derived from nasal
- Respiratory fluctuations of the human pupil. Ohtsuka K (1), Asakura K, Kawasaki H, Sawa M. (1)Department of Ophthalmology, Sapporo Medical College, Japan. We simultaneously recorded respiration and pupil size in six normal subjects with an age range of 23-40 years (mean = 30.1), to study the relationship between the respiratory rhythm and ...
- Respiratory fluctuation ratios and the sense of relaxation are conceivably influenced by particularities. This study suggests that with music meant for relaxation, it may be necessary to consider factors such as an individual's
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- 同
- 呼吸性動揺 respiratory fluctuation
- 関
- 心音、奇脈
- 関
- 呼吸性不整脈
- 吸気時に収縮期血圧が低下し、心拍数は増加する。
- 吸気→↑静脈還流量→右室拡張→心室中隔を左方圧迫→↓左室駆出量→↓血圧
- 拡張終期左室容量が減少するということなので、左室の血液を駆出するのにかかる時間も短くなる。この結果、心拍数は上昇する。
- 別の解釈として、吸気時に静脈還流量が増加すると、迷走神経が抑制され、肺表面が進展される。この結果、交感神経が刺激されて心拍数が増加する。
- 呼吸性変動の消失 → 右心系に容量負荷がかかっている。
- 著明な呼吸性変動 → 右心系の前負荷が低下。循環虚脱。
- 関
- breath、breathe、breathing、respiration、respiratory mechanics、respiratory organ、respiratory tract
- 波動、不動。動揺、揺らぎ。高下、変動。不安定、気迷い。(pl.)盛衰、興亡